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Thoughts About The Arizona Shootings

Over the weekend, everyone was asking for prayers for those injured and killed in the Arizona shootings. As a person of reason, I cannot give any prayers because I don’t believe there is anyone to answer them. But I do wish to share my thoughts and hopes. As a progressive Democrat, I don’t always agree […]

TSA ‘Prove You Are Not a Terrorist’

So lately the media has been obsessed with the TSA’s body scanners and pat downs. I am pretty sure that the body scanners have been in use for months but have only filtered down to the news media’s attention recently. In any case, we don’t really need either the scanners or the pat down. It […]

Agenda Judges

Last Tuesday was Election Day and I spent the entire day at the polls as Minority Election Inspector. Toward the end of the day after the polls had closed, I got into a short conversation with a Republican poll watcher who was hanging out waiting for the results. The topic was on the role of […]

Sometimes I Get Discouraged

I don’t know what was more discouraging yesterday, the Republicans winning in so many places or top progressives like Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold losing. In my state of Pennsylvania, the Republicans really won big. They took the Governor position. Crazy former Constitutional Party wacko Pat Toomey defeated my congressman Joe Sestak for Senate. Bryan […]

It’s Election Day!

Today I will be performing my duties as an elected official. Last year I won the race for Minority Election Inspector for my local precinct. I won this election by exactly one vote… mine. Let this be a lesson to everyone, if there is no candidate for a local office that you like, don’t be […]

Both Sides are Equally Extreme?

Over the weekend, Jon Stewart held the Rally to Restore Sanity and tomorrow is Election Day so I thought I would talk about this myth that both political parties are equally extreme. Toward the end of the rally, Stewart gave his closing speech in which he talked about how people from both sides of the […]

Restoring Reason

While the forces of sanity and fear square off in our nation’s capital, the forces of reason are also converging. For those going to the Comedy Central rallies hosted by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, atheists are gathering together at the event. I just posted an Examiner article with all the details. Unfortunately I will […]

The Lawn Sign Game

With a little over a week to go before Election Day, it is time to start playing the Lawn Sign Game as a predictor of the election. It is a pretty easy game to play and can be great fun for small road trips. While it isn’t a perfect prediction of local election outcomes, it […]

The Tea Party Test

Not long ago, I made the case that the Tea Party was a re-branding of the Christian Right. A few “Tea Baggers” disagreed and reiterated the position that it is an pro-Constitution/cut government waste movement. Well, this is their lucky day, because I have discovered a perfect test to see which one of us is […]

The Statesman vs. The Clown

So yesterday was the big debate between Delaware Senate candidates Christine O’Donnell and Chris Coons. The debate has gotten a surprising amount of press for a race that seems all but decided. Despite Chris Coons’s unfortunate name he came into the debate up almost 20 points in the polls. It isn’t like this is an […]

Enlighten The Vote

Last night I attended the monthly meeting of the Freethought Society. This month’s guest speaker was former American Atheist President Ellen Johnson. Johnson was promoting her new organization called “Enlighten the Vote” and she said a lot of very interesting things. First, I want to point out that while I think what Ellen Johnson said […]

Atheist Nay Sayers

I think this is a problem with any minority group which has had to fight for acceptance so I don’t think atheists are in general pessimistic. In fact, most atheists I know tend to be pretty optimistic. But for some reason, whenever an atheist is trying to make a difference and to do something for […]

Doctor No Says Yes on Proposition 8

There are a lot of Libertarian atheists out there for some bizarre reason. Many worship Congressman Ron Paul the way Christians worship Jesus even though Congressman Paul considers America to be a Christian Nation. I wonder what these Libertarians think about Paul’s position on Proposition 8. Libertarians always tell me that they want government out […]

Supremely Skeptical

Yesterday, the United States Senate confirmed this nation’s newest Supreme Court Justice, Elana Kagan. But while many of my progressive and freethinker friends are celebrating, I remain skeptical. For starters, the Court is still middle of the road at best. We have four extremely right wing Justices who will nine times out of ten support […]

President With Guts

During the presidential primary, I was one of a few progressives warning everyone that Obama was a moderate at best. One campaigner told even told me that he thought Obama was the next Robert Kennedy. Sadly that seems unlikely. On just about every issue Obama has let down his progressive base and continues to try […]

Sometimes I Get Discouraged

Over the weekend, I was putting together an Examiner article on the upcoming PhillyCoR Picnic. This is an event that I have been promoting for months so I was very excited to be writing the article. However, I noticed that the PhillyCoR website was down and so I contacted the PhillyCoR president to find out […]

Film Review: Severe Clear

There are many movies about war and films like Platoon, Apocalypse Now, and Full Metal Jacket are among the finest fiction Hollywood has produced dealing with the subject. Severe Clear is not just a film about war; it is a war on film. Before I get too far into this review, I have something that […]

The Playoffs

When most people think of sports, they think of baseball, football, basketball, tennis, etc. But my sport of choice has always been politics and if politics is a sport, then tomorrow’s the playoffs. Because I won the election for minority election inspector by one vote, I have to sit at the polling station from 6am […]

Should Atheists Support Obama’s Current SCOTUS Pick?

Last night, Obama made his pick for the replacement of Supreme Court Justice Paul Stevens. His pick is Elena Kagan, the current Solicitor General. Is it a good pick? Should we as atheists be supporting her? Earlier today I wrote an article of the Examiner page talking about Elena Kagan’s record on church/state issues. It […]

Dreaming About Tomorrow

During the 2008 primary, I strongly opposed Barack Obama as the candidate. I didn’t buy into his message of Change and Hope. While I voted for him in the general election, I still think that he was full of shit. As a point of fact, he hasn’t changed the healthcare system or any other policy […]

The Catholic Church Practically Admits Guilt

PZ Myers had an interesting story on his blog this morning. Apparently the Connecticut legislature is pushing a bill designed to eliminate the statute of limitation on child sex abuse cases. Of course the Catholic Church is less than pleased. I wonder why? Connecticut’s three Roman Catholic bishops issued a join statement opposed to this […]

This Is What Change Looks Like

Last night, the House of Representatives passed President Obama’s Health Reform Bill. Of course none of the Republican’ts voted for it. When it was passed, Obama triumphantly declared that, “this is what change looks like.” Oddly enough, it doesn’t seem to look much different. I remember when Obama gave his big health care reform speech; […]

The Mysterious Atheist White House Briefing

Despite President Obama’s rhetoric about transparency in government, the White House has made the delegates from the Secular Coalition of America (SCA) take an oath of secrecy. I have talked about this more in my Examiner article which I hope everyone will check out. But I want to say a bit more about this issue. […]

Inside Politics

Last night, I went to my county’s Democratic convention. If you don’t know anything about politics, this is where all the candidates gather to seek the endorsement of the County Party. I always find these conventions interesting because you can tell a lot about the candidates from how they handle themselves in this environment. Here […]

Log Cabin Atheists

Many well reasoned atheists disagree on issues of taxation, foreign policy, states rights, etc. So I can understand why not all atheists are politically active and that all the atheists that are politically active may not all be Democrats. But what I can’t understand is how any well reasoned atheist could possibly be a Republican. […]

I’m Glad Democrats Lost Massachusetts

The Liberal Lion has been tea-bagged. At the time of his death, Ted Kennedy was the second most liberal Senator and now he is being replaced by someone who may turn out to be the most conservative Senator. How is that possible? It’s easy. The Democrats have no balls. President Obama in particular has been […]

One Vote Can Win an Election

Believe it or not, one vote can win an election. Every vote does count. I know this first hand. I am pretty sure that I won the election by exactly one vote. Yesterday, I received a letter in the mail from the County’s Department of Elections and they told me that I received more write-in […]

An End to Veterans Day

No doubt everyone is aware that today is Veterans Day. Today is the day that we are all supposed to thank those who serve in the military and those who have served in the military. I ask why? Why do we honor those people? The reason that we are given is that we honor their […]

The War on Journalism

All the big news stations have been talking about the White House’s war on Fox News, but that is only one battle. Obviously Fox News is a Republican tool used to spread propaganda in the name of news, but few realize that CNN is also a Republican tool used to spread propaganda in the name […]

Guy Fawkes Day is Here Again

Remember, remember the fifth of November. Today is of course the anniversary of the day when the Catholic plot to blow up the Protestant controlled Parliament went astray. This year, I think we need to take this holiday a little more seriously than we normally would. First, it is of course a reminder that Christians […]

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