Posted on February 17th, 2012 by Staks
For some strange reason, there are a lot of active, humanistic, atheists who consider themselves Libertarians. In one sense, I get it. Libertarianism sounds great on paper (like communism), but once you put any type of real thought into it, it becomes silly. On paper, Libertarianism is all about individual freedom. How can anyone be […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, Capitalism, communism, Government, Libertarianism, Politics | 1 Comment »
Posted on November 3rd, 2011 by Staks
It would be great if we could all go to NYC, lock hands, and join the Occupy Wall Street fight, but for whatever reason we can’t make it. Fortunately, there are now OWS protests in various cities around the country and even the world. Soon we will start to see these protests popping up in […]
Filed under: Capitalism, Current Events, Government, Political Activism, Politics | No Comments »
Posted on September 13th, 2011 by Staks
The Republican’s say that we should cut taxes on the “Job Creators” because they don’t have enough money to create jobs. However they seem to have a lot of money to buy politicians. Then the Republicans are pushing to drop corporate taxes dramatically for a limited time to “Repatriate” money back into the country. But […]
Filed under: Capitalism, debate, language, Politics | 3 Comments »
Posted on September 5th, 2011 by Staks
This year, Labor Day carries some baggage. Normally, everyone takes the day off and celebrates the role of workers in this country. This year, Labor Day isn’t a day of celebration, it is ironically a day to work. With record unemployment and the Republican Party aiming to disband labor unions state by state, Labor Day […]
Filed under: Capitalism, culture war, Current Events, Labor Day, Political Activism, Politics | 3 Comments »
Posted on August 29th, 2011 by Staks
Last week Sam Harris gave his tip on how to lose blog readers. What the hell, I’ll give it a shot. He said that the best way to lose blog reader is to advocate for higher taxes on the rich (which actually seems like a pretty reasonable and obvious idea). Today, I want to talk […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, Capitalism, communism, culture war, Government, humanism, morality | 3 Comments »
Posted on June 7th, 2010 by Staks
Recently, I have been telling a lot of Christians and atheists alike that I have heard so many arguments both for and against religion, that it seems like I have heard them all. I have even told some people how excited I would get if I actually heard a new argument. Today I heard a […]
Filed under: Capitalism, church/state, culture war, Religion | 2 Comments »
Posted on March 22nd, 2010 by Staks
Last night, the House of Representatives passed President Obama’s Health Reform Bill. Of course none of the Republican’ts voted for it. When it was passed, Obama triumphantly declared that, “this is what change looks like.” Oddly enough, it doesn’t seem to look much different. I remember when Obama gave his big health care reform speech; […]
Filed under: Capitalism, Current Events, healthcare, Obama, Politics | 9 Comments »
Posted on September 28th, 2009 by Staks
Over the weekend, I was reminded of a conversation I had a number of years ago. But before I get into that conversation, I want to talk about more recent conversations I tend to have with people who gravitate to the Right Wing. It seems that whenever I get into a political discussion lately, Right […]
Filed under: Capitalism, communism, healthcare, Politics | 7 Comments »