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In Defense of Chick-Fil-A

I have been boycotting Chick-Fil-A since the early 2000s. Back then, I did a radio show on WCUR 91.7FM and I not only devoted a whole show on Chick-Fil-A, but I also talked about it every week for quite a while. I should also add that I love fast food and would probably be one […]


Yesterday was Independence Day and I have some mixed feelings about that. For most of my life, this was my second favorite holiday. But as I have gotten older, I have gained a little more perspective and perhaps become a little bit more jaded. Independence Day just seems like a way to beat our chests […]

Full Monte Libertarianism

For some strange reason, there are a lot of active, humanistic, atheists who consider themselves Libertarians. In one sense, I get it. Libertarianism sounds great on paper (like communism), but once you put any type of real thought into it, it becomes silly. On paper, Libertarianism is all about individual freedom. How can anyone be […]

Atheist Exemptions

Yesterday, I wrote an Examiner article about how religious institutions are always seeking exemptions from the law. Why can’t atheists play this game too? One person commented on my article asking why we can’t have an atheist exemption from the gay marriage bans in some states. I think this is a great idea. I think […]

Internet Black-Out, Atheist Shame

Yesterday as you know doubt are aware, much of the internet either completely went “black” or put up information about stopping SOPA & PIPA, two bills which are currently being pushed in the House and the Senate that would limit the internet and effectively censor information. Free Speech is kinda my thing. In 2004 and […]

Write Your Congressmen… At Their Homes!

I few months ago, I wrote my Republican congressman about health insurance reform. I wanted to persuade him to push for a Medicare for all system or even a compromised public option. A few weeks later, I got a letter back that was pretty much a form letter with a few details thrown in. Guess […]

Occupying Wall Street From Home

It would be great if we could all go to NYC, lock hands, and join the Occupy Wall Street fight, but for whatever reason we can’t make it. Fortunately, there are now OWS protests in various cities around the country and even the world. Soon we will start to see these protests popping up in […]


Republicans love to call anyone who disagrees with them names. Usually it is Socialist or Nazi (despite the fact that these are two completely opposite political philosophies). But then they go with anarchist which is an pretty interesting choice considering that they often claim that liberals are for big government which is last I checked […]

Politician’s Use of Religious Language

In a debate between Sam Harris and Rabbi David Wolpe, Harris talked about how when people talk about their belief that Elvis is still alive in job interviews, etc. there is an immediate price to be paid. When politicians invoke religious terminology there should be a price they too should have to pay. Let’s be […]

#OccupyWallStreet vs. The Tea Party

I am a big supporter of the #OccupyWallStreet protests that most of the media isn’t talking about. Recently, I read an article in the New York Times by Ginia Bellafante in which she criticizes the movement and attempts to justify the lack of media coverage with a lack of credibility on the part of the […]

Our System is Broken

I always knew Obama was an appeaser and didn’t really buy into his hype (although I voted for him and supported him in the general election). But now he has done the opposite of hope for me. He has disheartened me and discouraged me in relation to politics today. I don’t really see the point […]

Republicans Feeling the Heat at Town Halls

Last night I went to my first Town Hall event hosted by my Republican congressman Patrick Meehan. This is Meehan’s first term in office and while I had heard that he was more of a moderate, he was backed by the Tea Baggers. Not long ago I had sent the Congressman a letter concerning Health […]

Economic Eugenics

Last week Sam Harris gave his tip on how to lose blog readers. What the hell, I’ll give it a shot. He said that the best way to lose blog reader is to advocate for higher taxes on the rich (which actually seems like a pretty reasonable and obvious idea). Today, I want to talk […]

No One Likes Change

Over the weekend, we ordered some Chinese food from our favorite Chinese restaurant. But when I went to pick it up, the woman working there was telling me that they were under new management and are in the process of making all kinds of improvements. She was very excited about it. One of the new […]

All This Anti-Government Bullshit

Even among the greater community of reason there are still people who call themselves Libertarians and Republicans. The thing that they argue about the most is “big government.” While that is of course a legitimate issue to some degree, it has morphed into an anti-government dogma. This is unreasonable to me and I am calling […]

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