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One Vote Can Win an Election

Believe it or not, one vote can win an election. Every vote does count. I know this first hand. I am pretty sure that I won the election by exactly one vote.

Yesterday, I received a letter in the mail from the County’s Department of Elections and they told me that I received more write-in votes then any other candidate for the office of Minority Inspector of Elections.

On November 3rd, I went to the polls to vote for my local elected officials and in my Republican controlled town there were no Democrats running for any of the town offices. All the Republicans were running unopposed. So I wrote in my name for all the offices that didn’t have a Democratic candidate. Now I am pretty sure no one else wrote my name in.

For the position of Inspector of Elections, there needs to be an inspector for each political party. Since there were no Democratic candidates, I was the winner for the Minority Inspector with my one write-in vote. I didn’t even think about that when I wrote my name in. I just thought that my write-ins wouldn’t really count and that one vote doesn’t actually make a difference.

So for all of you out there, don’t forget to vote and to write in your name when you don’t like any of the candidates. One vote can make a difference. Dreams can come true. I’m living proof… BEEFCAKE!!!!

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