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America’s Profiling Problem

Sam Harris recently wrote a blog post defending profiling. I, like most other people in the greater community of reason disagree with Harris on this point. There are two main issues that I have with profiling. First is the moral issue. People are more than their profile and it isn’t fair to single people out […]

The Funniest Tweet

I tweet a lot of my articles out on the twitter. Sometimes I get comments back and even get into twitter discussions on rare occasions. But yesterday, I got the funniest tweet back in response to one of my articles. Oddly enough, I am not sure what article the response was directed toward, but it […]

Information-Age War

Recently President Obama decided to take military action in Libya. We are already involved in military action in Iraq (still) and Afghanistan. We are fighting as if this was still the 20th century. The problem is that we are now in the information age and we ought to be conducting our wars accordingly. Missiles, bombs, […]

The Taboos of Criticizing Religion

As a critical thinker, I criticize a lot of ridiculous ideas. 9/11 Truthers, grand conspiracy theorists, ghosts, aliens, psychic powers, etc. are all things which I am critical of even though I actually believe in some of them to some degree. But when it comes to religion everyone gets offended. Let’s start with Christianity. I […]

TSA ‘Prove You Are Not a Terrorist’

So lately the media has been obsessed with the TSA’s body scanners and pat downs. I am pretty sure that the body scanners have been in use for months but have only filtered down to the news media’s attention recently. In any case, we don’t really need either the scanners or the pat down. It […]

Building an Atheist Internet Community

Yesterday, I received an interesting e-mail from an atheist in Pakistan. He is in a day to day struggle to keep his mouth shut out of a very real and legitimate fear that should a hint of his disbelief get out, he will probably be killed. Such a serious situation prompted me to turn to […]

Same Arguments, Different Religion

Usually I discuss religion with Christians since Christianity is the majority religion in America however from time to time I get drawn into a conversation/debate with someone from one of the other Abrahamic religions. Interestingly enough, the arguments aren’t any different. Last year for example, I got into a pretty lengthy religious conversation with my […]

Everyone Draw Mohammad Day

That’s right bitches, it is Everyone Draw Mohammad Day. I love this holiday. It is right up there with Everyone Blasphemy Jesus Day. Seriously though, I have already written my take on this subject for the Examiner (because they pay more). So check out my article on why it is Immoral to criticize Draw Mohammad […]

The Indecency of Breasts

Yesterday was Boobquake and even though we don’t live in a Muslim nation and hopefully no one in America actually thinks boobs cause earthquakes, breasts are still considered dangerous. Yesterday facebook labeled at least some if not all of the boobquake photos indecent and pulled them from the site. For those who don’t know what […]

A Tale of Two Religions

Last night I wrote a great blog for today’s Dangerous Talk continuing the whole South Park controversy. Then, I posted it to the Examiner page instead. So now I can talk about how ridiculous the Muslims are and the Catholics. Both religions are now feeling to the heat from the mainstream religious-ass-kissing media. The media […]

Warning to RevolutionMuslim.com

It is pretty well known that Muslim fundamentalists freak out when anyone criticizes their religion or even depicts an image of their prophet Mohammad. In fact, Muslims are even known to get violent about it. Their severe reactions to such trivial things have frightened the media and the entertainment industry. Yesterday, I published an Examiner […]

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