Posted on July 30th, 2012 by Staks
Last night, my friend Dusty Smith made a great point on his Facebook status. But before I get into that, I want to talk about what demographic Romney needs to satisfy in order for him to get the support of his base. The fact is that like McCain, Romney needs to pick someone who is […]
Filed under: culture war, family values, Gay Issues, Political Activism, Politics | 1 Comment »
Posted on February 3rd, 2012 by Staks
Yesterday, I wrote an Examiner article responding to Jefferson Bethke’s latest video called “Sex, Marriage, and Fairytales.” Today, I still have more to say on the topic. I thought of making my own spoken word on the subject, but I would rather be more informative. First, I want to talk about sex before marriage. People […]
Filed under: culture war, family values, Love, sex, Valentines Day | 2 Comments »
Posted on September 30th, 2011 by Staks
Today is International Blasphemy Day! I love holidays like this. For one thing, I am a huge supporter of free speech and this is an opportunity to express free speech in a creative way that hopefully sends a powerful message to those who need it most. For this reason, I consider it among the most […]
Filed under: Blasphemy, church/state, culture war, family values, free speech, Law, Offensiveness, Political Activism, sex | 2 Comments »
Posted on June 29th, 2011 by Staks
Once again I am on my rant about taking the fight to the religious and playing their games on them for a change. This time, I think we should force Christians to stop calling their blood kin “family.” They can use some other name, but I don’t think they can call it “family.” According to […]
Filed under: church/state, culture war, family values, Gay Issues, Political Activism, Religion | 1 Comment »
Posted on June 17th, 2011 by Staks
On Thursday, Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner resigned from the House of Representatives over some crotch photos he tweeted. Why did he resign? Well, it was a whole scandal. What was the big deal? Why was it a scandal? The way I see it, it is because religion has skewed our priorities as moral agents. Yeah, […]
Filed under: culture war, Evils of Christianity, family values, Politics, sex, twitter | 5 Comments »
Posted on June 8th, 2011 by Staks
Anthony Weiner admitted that he lied about being hacked and that he did indeed tweet a photo of his erect penis bulge in his underwear to a women. He has also stated that he never met her in person and that he has never had an affair with her or anyone else. He also as […]
Filed under: culture war, Current Events, family values, Media, Politics | 3 Comments »
Posted on April 4th, 2011 by Staks
Some of you may not know this, but I am a loving father. I have a two year-old son at home with me and like all loving parents I only want the best for my son. So over the weekend, I demanded that he kneel before me and worship me. I really want him to […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, Authority, Belief, blood sacrifice, delusion, Every Knee, Evils of Christianity, family values, free will, god, God Fearing, god the father, hell, Judge God, Love, morality, Parenting, Religion | 3 Comments »
Posted on March 29th, 2011 by Staks
Last night, I attended the Freethought Society’s monthly meeting. Our special guest was Jill McDevitt, who is a Sexologist and the owner of a “sex shop.” In other words, her store, Feminique Boutique sells lingerie, vibrators, and has sex positive lectures. I was working in West Chester, PA (where her store is located) when her […]
Filed under: atheism, culture war, family values, Religion, sex | 3 Comments »
Posted on February 8th, 2011 by Staks
While a lot of atheists run from anything that is even remotely reminiscent of religion, many others still go to church. Usually, if an atheist goes to church it is a Quaker or Unitarian Church. There is nothing wrong with avoiding religious trappings. Many atheists have had extremely bad experiences with churches and other religious […]
Filed under: atheism, Church, culture war, family values, humanism, Neighbor, Parenting, People of Reason | 3 Comments »
Posted on January 27th, 2011 by Staks
There is this philosophy within a small segment of fundamentalist Christianity called the “Quiverfull Movement.” The idea is that people are weapons for God and as such, each Christian within the movement needs to focus on creating more “arrows” for God’s quiver by breeding mass amounts of Christians. By contrast, most atheists I know either […]
Filed under: atheism, culture war, family values, Parenting, Religion | 3 Comments »
Posted on January 25th, 2011 by Staks
Yesterday, I heard an excerpt from the new Piers Morgan show on CNN in which Christian motivational speaker Joel Osteen commented that he isn’t judging gay people, but God says it’s a sin. He claims that is in the “scriptures.” Joel Osteen doesn’t hate gays, God does. Joel is a really nice guy. He loves […]
Filed under: conversation, culture war, family values, god, Judge God, wwjd | 11 Comments »
Posted on October 13th, 2010 by Staks
I was talking to a Christian the other day and I mentioned that the Bible didn’t say anything condemning rape. My Christian friend corrected me by pointing out Deut 22:25-27. But it seems that he took the verse out of context. Let us just take a look at the verse that my friend pointed out […]
Filed under: family values, morality, Religion, ten commandments, the bible | 14 Comments »
Posted on October 12th, 2010 by Staks
I was talking to a fundamentalist Christian friend yesterday and I asked him if he thought gay marriage should be illegal. He informed me that homosexuality was a sin and that he has no objections to making “wallowing in sin” illegal. So I asked him if all sin should be illegal and he said, yes. […]
Filed under: church/state, culture war, family values, Political Activism, the bible | 3 Comments »
Posted on October 8th, 2010 by Staks
I think there seems to be some confusion. When someone does something horrible, I often hear others (even non-Christians) claim that the behavior in question wasn’t a very Christian thing to do. Have these people read the Bible? Yes, there are passages in the Bible where Jesus says to turn the other cheek, love your […]
Filed under: family values, god, Real Christians, Religion, the bible, wwjd | No Comments »
Posted on August 5th, 2010 by Staks
I am really getting tired of always being on the defensive. Why is it that the Religious Right are always trying to make these ridiculous laws and we are always trying to stop them? I think it is time we go on the offensive for a change. Dangerous Talk has obtained this video (from YouTube) […]
Filed under: church/state, culture war, family values, Gay Issues, Law, Political Activism, Religion | 6 Comments »
Posted on April 27th, 2010 by Staks
Yesterday was Boobquake and even though we don’t live in a Muslim nation and hopefully no one in America actually thinks boobs cause earthquakes, breasts are still considered dangerous. Yesterday facebook labeled at least some if not all of the boobquake photos indecent and pulled them from the site. For those who don’t know what […]
Filed under: Blasphemy, censorship, culture war, facebook, family values, islam, Religion, sex | 7 Comments »
Posted on March 30th, 2010 by Staks
There have been hundreds of thousands of reported cases of child sexual assault and child rape committed by leaders in the Catholic Church. In America, most towns and cities have ordinances which forbid “adult” themed stories and businesses from being within a certain distance from schools. Maybe there ought to be an ordinance restricting churches […]
Filed under: Catholics, culture war, Evils of Christianity, family values, Law, Political Activism, Religion, sex | 5 Comments »
Posted on March 2nd, 2010 by Staks
Over the weekend I watched a documentary titled: The Education of Shelby Knox. The documentary is about a teenaged girl’s attempt to bring comprehensive sex education to the fundamentalist controlled city of Lubbock, Texas. Shelby Knox is a Christian. Her whole family is Christian and the film portrays the city as being almost entirely fundamentalist […]
Filed under: church/state, culture war, education, Evils of Christianity, family values, Gay Issues, Religion, sex, Vague Higher Power | 6 Comments »
Posted on February 23rd, 2010 by Staks
As many people in the greater atheist community know, Angie the Anti-Theist has just gotten an abortion. She has been blogging and tweeting her experiences during the process. When I was younger, there was a short period of time in which I considered myself pro-life. But during my early college days I had more than […]
Filed under: abortion, culture war, family values, Parenting, responsibility, sex | 55 Comments »
Posted on February 19th, 2010 by Staks
Christians seem to have the greatest public relations department. Even many atheists seem to think that Jesus was some white guy with a long beard who wandered the Middle East trying to bring about world peace. According to the Bible, Jesus was a real asshole. Sure everyone knows about the golden rule and the character […]
Filed under: family values, image of god, morality, Neighbor, Preaching, Real Christians, Religion, the bible, wwjd | 56 Comments »
Posted on February 15th, 2010 by Staks
Over the weekend, I was driving in the Washington DC area and came across two interesting billboards. On the surface, I thought these billboards were put up by religious groups because of what there message appeared to be. I was wrong and the messages were much better than I assumed they were. Here are the […]
Filed under: billboards, culture war, discussion, family values, Parenting, Religion, responsibility | No Comments »