Posted on February 14th, 2012 by Staks
It being Valentine’s Day and all, I thought I would take the opportunity to do a quick walk through on how far we as a society have gone when it comes to linking love and marriage. Today, we take it for granted that the reason you marry is because you love someone, but that wasn’t […]
Filed under: Coexist, Love, Religion, Valentines Day | No Comments »
Posted on February 3rd, 2012 by Staks
Yesterday, I wrote an Examiner article responding to Jefferson Bethke’s latest video called “Sex, Marriage, and Fairytales.” Today, I still have more to say on the topic. I thought of making my own spoken word on the subject, but I would rather be more informative. First, I want to talk about sex before marriage. People […]
Filed under: culture war, family values, Love, sex, Valentines Day | 2 Comments »
Posted on February 14th, 2011 by Staks
Sometime last year I promised a friend that this Valentines Day I would tell the tale of the Braveheart Question. This could be a tale of romance or it could be the tale of a demented psycho stalker. That, my friends, is the question. The film Braveheart is now considered pretty old by some standards, […]
Filed under: conversation, discussion, Love, Personal, Valentines Day | 17 Comments »