Posted on February 6th, 2012 by Staks
You know religious believers are living in a delusional world when they actively try to convince atheists that atheism is a religion, but that Christianity isn’t. As ridiculous as such a belief sounds, we hear such nonsense from religious believers all the time, but rarely at the same time. First, there is the claim that […]
Filed under: anti-intellectualism, atheism, Atheism NOT Religion, Belief, delusion, god the father, Religion, Religious Manipulation | 6 Comments »
Posted on April 4th, 2011 by Staks
Some of you may not know this, but I am a loving father. I have a two year-old son at home with me and like all loving parents I only want the best for my son. So over the weekend, I demanded that he kneel before me and worship me. I really want him to […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, Authority, Belief, blood sacrifice, delusion, Every Knee, Evils of Christianity, family values, free will, god, God Fearing, god the father, hell, Judge God, Love, morality, Parenting, Religion | 3 Comments »
Posted on August 24th, 2009 by Staks
I was talking with an atheist friend of mine last week and he asked a fantasy question. What I mean by a fantasy question is that the questioner is reasonably certain that the question will never come up in reality. It is like asking who you would pick for your all star football team or […]
Filed under: atheism, conversation, discussion, god, god the father, Religion | 24 Comments »
Posted on June 26th, 2009 by Staks
Father’s Day was recently and so I thought about the alleged “Holy Father” himself, God. Aside from other roles for their deity of choice, Christians also claim that their imaginary god holds the role of father. It seems that society has changed the way we view the responsibilities of a father. It wasn’t long ago […]
Filed under: god the father, Religion | 13 Comments »
Posted on May 15th, 2009 by Staks
Why is it that the Christian God is supposed to be all-powerful and yet it took him a full 6 days to create the world? Shouldn’t he have been able to do it with a snap of his metaphysical fingers? A real god should be able to think it and it happens. And while we […]
Filed under: god, god the father, Religion | 14 Comments »