The Funniest Tweet
I tweet a lot of my articles out on the twitter. Sometimes I get comments back and even get into twitter discussions on rare occasions. But yesterday, I got the funniest tweet back in response to one of my articles. Oddly enough, I am not sure what article the response was directed toward, but it still struck me silly.
So here it is:
“@dangeroustalk No other Religion Give respect to women as Islam gives.”
I should add that this was one tweet out of about two dozen sent to me within minutes of each other by the same person. This guy pretty much spammed my twitter with these ridiculous pro-Islam statements. But this one just took the cake.
For the record, I don’t believe that Islam, Judaism, or Christianity gives respect to women. All three Abrahamic religions have an absurdly bad record on the feminism front. Islam is notoriously the worst, which is why I find the tweet so damn funny.

Filed under: islam, Religious Manipulation, twitter