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No, I didn’t misspell the holiday, I renamed it. Recently, there has been a new fundamentalist Christian movement to take back Halloween for the prudish and those who are fun impaired. The Jesusween movement encourages wacky Christians to give out Bibles instead of candy when kids come knocking on the door. But I want to […]

Stop Hating on ‘Sluts’

As Halloween approaches, I always look forward to seeing adults dressing up in sexy costumes. Some people however, maintain the religious demonization of sexuality and label anyone who wears a scantily clad outfit a “slut.” They use this term to demean others who chose to express their sexuality publicly. I don’t consider myself to be […]

Religious Bullying

I was reading a friend’s blog yesterday and one of the things she experiences seemed similar to what I recently experienced in relation to my friend’s funeral. We were both bullied into silence and forced to hide our lack of belief in the ridiculous. As it turns out, most people in the greater community of […]

Soul Murderer

Over the years, I have helped to de-convert many people away from religion. One would think that if the religious really believed what they claim to believe then they would consider me to be a worse criminal than most serial killers. A murderer takes away someone’s life, but I have taken away people’s eternal afterlife. […]

Funeral Dilemma

A friend of mine died recently. When I first met him, he was a Christian. However, he also had a strong analytic mind and so it didn’t take long for him to research the questions I posed to him. As a result, he de-converted. He told me once or twice about his really religious family. […]

Jesus Was a Harold Camping

Christians hate to admit this, but Jesus was the Harold Camping of his day. According to the Bible, he thought that the world was coming to an end soon. He constantly warned everyone to give away all their money and possessions because he didn’t think they would need them since the end was nigh. Jesus […]

The End is Nigh!

Yea, that’s right the end of Harold Camping’s trek to doomsday is nigh… or near… or something. For me, this has been a long journey. When I was in college back in 1993, I started listening to Camping with my friend Greg. Greg was a believer and a follower of Camping. I interviewed him about […]

Is it Santorum’s Turn?

I love this election season’s Republican candidates. They are so entertaining. Everyone knows that Mitt Romney is going to be their candidate and even they don’t like him. So week after week, one of the other clowns takes their turn beating him in the polls. This week just might be Santorum’s week. First, it really […]

Dogmatic About Death

Last week, when I was at the Silverman/D’souza debate, Dinesh D’souza accused David Silverman of being dogmatic about his “belief” concerning death. Silverman asserted that there is no afterlife. He later walked back his assertion to say that we know that to the degree that we can know anything. But the thing that gets me […]

Christians Stole Death

Over the weekend, one of my college friends died. He was a young guy and would occasionally comment on my facebook wall when I was discussing politics. While he might have denied it, I claim him as the first person I deconverted away from Christianity. What I realized however is that much of the words […]

Heart/Brain Dichotomy

Thinking with your brain is important, but some things only your heart knows. The only problem with this is that hearts don’t ‘know’ anything. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood. Religious believers are always trying to separate human compassion from the brain and transfer that capacity onto the heart. I get that there […]

Who Was The Master Debater?

Last night I attended a debate between American Atheist president, Dave Silverman and Ann Coulter’s ex-fiancée and hack, Dinesh D’Souza. The question on the table was, “Is Christianity good for the world?” While the debate was held at the University of Pennsylvania, I noticed that the crowd was heavily religious. When I left, I saw […]

Double The Debating Fun

Yesterday was another Republican Primary Debate and tonight I will be attending the Silverman/D’souza Debate. These are however very different debates with very different objectives. Both are entertaining for their own reasons. The political debate is focused on persuading people to support other people while the religion debate is focused on persuading people to change […]

Is Mormonism a Cult?

Rick Perry’s pastor friend recently called Mormonism a cult because Rick Perry’s opponent Mitt Romney is a Mormon. But I have found that a surprisingly number of Christians make this claim also. The fact is that Mormonism is a cult… and so are Christianity and every other religion. A while ago, I did a two-hour […]

In My Reality…

Sometimes I get into conversations with New Age religious believers. Interestingly enough, they often start the conversation with three interesting words. Christians sometimes use these same three words in conversations too, but they usually don’t start the conversation with them. Those three words are, “In my reality…” The problem is that I think these people […]

The Missionary Position

The public relations arm of the Christianity long ago realized that they can get more converts with honey. So they came up with this idea of going to under developed nations and helping them out. While they are at it, they can push their religion on those who are physically and emotionally not in a […]

Political Hostage Taking 101

I have had this conversation before and it really does seem that my fellow progressives are just not getting it. Now that Chris Christie has made it clear that he is NOT running for President in 2012 and Rick Perry has fallen out of favor with both the Republican establishment and the Religious Right, it […]

Politician’s Use of Religious Language

In a debate between Sam Harris and Rabbi David Wolpe, Harris talked about how when people talk about their belief that Elvis is still alive in job interviews, etc. there is an immediate price to be paid. When politicians invoke religious terminology there should be a price they too should have to pay. Let’s be […]

Tea Party Stupidity Infecting Democrats

Awhile back, I met a Democratic Party candidate running for a local county office. I have met this candidate several times since I am active within the county party. But not long ago, my friend learned that this candidate rejects the science of evolution in favor of Creationism. It is one thing for the wacky […]

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