Posted on June 14th, 2012 by Staks
There have been a bunch of zombie stories in the news lately as a result of bath salts. I really haven’t been following it much so I don’t know all the details. But what I do know is that it gave me an idea. A few weeks ago, I wrote an examiner article about a […]
Filed under: culture war, End of Days, End of the World, Religion, satan, The Rapture | 1 Comment »
Posted on October 21st, 2011 by Staks
Christians hate to admit this, but Jesus was the Harold Camping of his day. According to the Bible, he thought that the world was coming to an end soon. He constantly warned everyone to give away all their money and possessions because he didn’t think they would need them since the end was nigh. Jesus […]
Filed under: End of the World, prophecies, Religious Manipulation, The Rapture | 2 Comments »
Posted on October 20th, 2011 by Staks
Yea, that’s right the end of Harold Camping’s trek to doomsday is nigh… or near… or something. For me, this has been a long journey. When I was in college back in 1993, I started listening to Camping with my friend Greg. Greg was a believer and a follower of Camping. I interviewed him about […]
Filed under: Biblical Scholarship, End of Days, End of the World, Evils of Christianity, prophecies | 3 Comments »
Posted on May 25th, 2011 by Staks
The theme I have been hitting lately that many Christians don’t seem to get is that their belief is ridiculous superstitions is no different than Harold Camping’s belief in ridiculous superstition. Christians can’t distance themselves fast enough from Camping with good reason. He makes them look bad. I know that Christianity is a pretty broad […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, anti-intellectualism, Argument by Popularity, culture war, End of the World, Projection, Religion, The Rapture | 8 Comments »
Posted on May 20th, 2011 by Staks
A lot of people are laughing at Harold Camping and his followers lately. In less than 48 hours Camping’s prediction will be proven wrong, but what I find interesting is Camping’s most fervent detractors are not atheists, but Christians. As an atheist, I have no problem laughing at Camping and his ridiculous beliefs, but Christians […]
Filed under: context, delusion, End of Days, End of the World, prophecies, Religious Manipulation, The Rapture | 4 Comments »
Posted on April 21st, 2011 by Staks
Today is April 21st, 2011. It is the day SkyNet goes online and everyone on earth is going to have a “very bad day.” The machines are going to start killing everyone and some kid named John Connor, is going to become the leader of the human resistance. Judgment Day is here! This is of […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, delusion, End of the World, prophecies, Religion, The Rapture | 2 Comments »
Posted on December 15th, 2010 by Staks
Fundamentalist Christians often talk about Bible predictions and how Jesus fulfilled all of them. Aside from the fact that there really aren’t any messianic predictions, the Bible does make at least one prediction and surprise, surprise, it didn’t come to pass. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus talks about the end of the world. Interestingly […]
Filed under: End of Days, End of the World, prophecies, Religion, The Rapture | 11 Comments »
Posted on November 12th, 2010 by Staks
Now that election season is over, most of the campaign signs have been taken down. Yet while I was driving the other day, I saw some signs still up at the intersection of a few major roads. Wait a minute, those weren’t campaign signs they were signs promoting the End of the World. The signs […]
Filed under: anti-intellectualism, End of Days, End of the World, God Fearing, Religion, The Rapture | 4 Comments »
Posted on June 14th, 2010 by Staks
Over the weekend, I went to the geek convention known as Wizard World. When we were leaving the convention there were a lot of people handing out fliers for their comics, art, bands, websites, etc. There was also a woman handing out religious pamphlets. I of course took one, but didn’t have the time to […]
Filed under: Biblical Scholarship, culture war, End of the World, Preaching, prophecies, Religion, the bible | 6 Comments »