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Harold Camping No Different than Other Christians

The theme I have been hitting lately that many Christians don’t seem to get is that their belief is ridiculous superstitions is no different than Harold Camping’s belief in ridiculous superstition. Christians can’t distance themselves fast enough from Camping with good reason. He makes them look bad.

I know that Christianity is a pretty broad term and that there are all sorts of Christians, but if you are a Christian at all, you are a believer in a ridiculous belief system not based on evidence or reason. Harold Camping is the same as you are. The difference is that his beliefs are slightly kookier and that he takes them a bit more seriously.

But when we say Camping’s beliefs are slightly kookier, that is only because most of society has accepted the generic Christian kookiness. Society has accepted this not on the evidence or on reasoned discourse, but simply because the majority believe it. But on the merits, Camping’s beliefs are equally kooky.

Christians have to stop thinking that their beliefs are more rational than that of Harold Camping because the fact is that they are not. Harold Camping has no evidence to support his belief and neither do other Christian believers. So there you go.

Sure, a Christian can make justifications for their beliefs, but so can Harold Camping. When it comes to actual evidence however, Christians and Camping are in the same boat… and it is full of holes.

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