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The Die for a Lie Argument

For many young Christians, the belief in the literal resurrection of Jesus has become their primary justification for belief in the entire Christian system. One argument they use in particular is that they don’t believe that the apostles would have died for a lie. These particular Christians often tell me how many of the apostles […]

The Enthusiasm of Youth

Often times I get a lot of e-mails from Christians who are eager to prove their God. These particular Christians tend to be fundamentalists and seem to be under the impression that I must have never heard any arguments for their position and have never really heard the story of Jesus. These particular Christians tend […]

Happy Star Wars Day

Christians often tell me that as an atheist I must believe in nothing. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Atheism refers to what I don’t believe in, but doesn’t say anything about I do believe in. So when asked, tell them that I believe in Star Wars. Today is Star Wars Day. On May […]

Same Arguments, Different Religion

Usually I discuss religion with Christians since Christianity is the majority religion in America however from time to time I get drawn into a conversation/debate with someone from one of the other Abrahamic religions. Interestingly enough, the arguments aren’t any different. Last year for example, I got into a pretty lengthy religious conversation with my […]

Tithing for Reason

One of the big advantages that religion has over the greater atheist/Humanist community is money. Christians are used to supporting and funding the propagation of their message. Many Christians even donate “their last dollar” to further “God’s Work.” In this world, money talks and so we need to start tithing for reason. In the free […]

Everyone Draw Mohammad Day

That’s right bitches, it is Everyone Draw Mohammad Day. I love this holiday. It is right up there with Everyone Blasphemy Jesus Day. Seriously though, I have already written my take on this subject for the Examiner (because they pay more). So check out my article on why it is Immoral to criticize Draw Mohammad […]

Film Review: Severe Clear

There are many movies about war and films like Platoon, Apocalypse Now, and Full Metal Jacket are among the finest fiction Hollywood has produced dealing with the subject. Severe Clear is not just a film about war; it is a war on film. Before I get too far into this review, I have something that […]

The Playoffs

When most people think of sports, they think of baseball, football, basketball, tennis, etc. But my sport of choice has always been politics and if politics is a sport, then tomorrow’s the playoffs. Because I won the election for minority election inspector by one vote, I have to sit at the polling station from 6am […]

The Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

One of the issues that I have with the Christian system of belief is that it is very pessimistic. The attitude that it encourages is an attitude of distrust and fear. While none of this speaks to the truth value of the claims, I really don’t think it is a useful system either. At the […]

The ‘Real Men Love Jesus’ Bumper Sticker

The other day I was behind a car that had a bumper sticker that stated, “Real Men Love Jesus” among other bumper stickers that were sufficiently fundamentalist Christian. Well, I guess I am not a real man according to that Christians. Oh well. The thing is that this bumper sticker brings up a few issues. […]

Dusting Off Old Arguments as New

A common theme that I run into when discussing religion with Christians (particularly fundamentalist Christians), is that they will often bring up old arguments which have long since been refuted as if they are some new revelation. These Christians often boast about how knowledgeable and thoughtful they are and yet they don’t seem to realize […]

Choice Between Truth and God

It is pretty common for Christians to claim that God is Truth. What they mean by this isn’t that God is simply a true, but rather that God is actually a synonym for Truth. In other words, to say that God is false would be like saying that the Bachelor is a married man. It […]

Should Atheists Support Obama’s Current SCOTUS Pick?

Last night, Obama made his pick for the replacement of Supreme Court Justice Paul Stevens. His pick is Elena Kagan, the current Solicitor General. Is it a good pick? Should we as atheists be supporting her? Earlier today I wrote an article of the Examiner page talking about Elena Kagan’s record on church/state issues. It […]

Euthyphro Still Unanswered

When it comes to morality, Christians often think that they have the monopoly on the topic. Interestingly enough, one of the biggest problems with Christian morality was actually introduced long before Christianity by Socrates and still remains unanswered by Christians today. In Plato’s dialog Euthyphro, Socrates has a conversation with a young lawyer named Euthyphro […]

The National Day of…

Today is the day that the followers of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy decided to designate as the National Day of Prayer. Recently of course this federal endorsement of religion has been struck down by the courts as unconstitutional. But no one appears to have told the federal government or the religious right about this. […]

Answering Christian Questions

I love when Christians ask atheists questions that they should fucking know the answers to. I know they are all about their bronze-aged story book, but we live in the information age now. Now the one true God is Google. Seriously, before Christians try to ask an atheist a question that he or she thinks […]

Glory to God

Muslims do this more than Christians, but I do hear it from Christians every now and then too. These believers tell me that they do what they do in order to bringing glory to their God. That seems like a pretty arrogant thing to claim when you think about it. If God is so all-powerful, […]

The Sadism of Some Christians

I tend to get a lot of e-mails from angry fundamentalist Christians. There is a particular type of e-mail that I get often. This type is usually short and usually informs me that the Christian will enjoy watching me being tortured or burning in Hell for all eternity. This quick sentiment probably took the writer […]

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