Glory to God
Muslims do this more than Christians, but I do hear it from Christians every now and then too. These believers tell me that they do what they do in order to bringing glory to their God. That seems like a pretty arrogant thing to claim when you think about it.
If God is so all-powerful, why does he need Christians and Muslims to bring glory to him? It would seem that such a deity wouldn’t need or even want glory. Glory is all about ego after all and ego is all about insecurity. So by claiming to bring glory to God, they are really just expressing the opinion that they believe their God is insecure.
Besides, how can evil sinning humans bring glory to the most perfect of all beings? Just as ants can’t bring glory to humans, the inferior can’t bring glory to the superior, no mere human could bring glory to an all-powerful God, right?
Of course, I think much more highly of humans than Christians and Muslims do. So I think the only glory a god can have must come from humans; humans being real and gods being imaginary. Still, it is pretty difficult to bring or receive glory to or from something that doesn’t actually exist.
Filed under: Glory to God, god, Religion