Posted on April 19th, 2012 by Staks
You know someone is full of shit when they use the word, “Truth” instead of laying out the evidence for why something is true. Also, you know they are full of shit when they use the word, “Truth” instead of saying that something is “true.” For example, “God is the Truth.” Religious believers also like […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, culture war, Reason Rally, Religious Manipulation, truth | 2 Comments »
Posted on December 7th, 2011 by Staks
Religious believers often accuse atheists of being angry, but if you ever read comment on any article dealing with atheism, it really seems like it is the theists who are the angry ones. Why is that? Last weekend, atheists rallied to protest our exclusion from the “Free Speech Zone” in West Chester, PA. The local […]
Filed under: culture war, Religion, truth | 5 Comments »
Posted on July 15th, 2011 by Staks
I once heard it said that the internet is where religions go to die. This is pretty accurate and as religious believers become less lazy they will soon realize that any question they have for atheists has already been answered. All they have to do is Google their question and pick a fairly reputable website […]
Filed under: conversation, culture war, Disproving God, god, Religion, truth | 8 Comments »
Posted on February 11th, 2011 by Staks
I often hear the argument from Christians that because I spend so much time thinking about and arguing against their imaginary deity, I must secretly believe. One Christian even told me yesterday, that I haven’t sufficiently convinced him that I was an atheist (as if I had to convince him I don’t believe). So it […]
Filed under: conversation, Religion, truth | 11 Comments »
Posted on February 4th, 2011 by Staks
I was debating with a Potter-Head yesterday and he kept insisting that the reason I don’t believe that Harry Potter is real is because I am a muggle. He told me that he is hoping that someone in the Ministry of Magic reveals the Truth to me about the wizarding world someday. I pointed out […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, Biblical Scholarship, Harry Potter, Religion, truth | 13 Comments »
Posted on July 21st, 2010 by Staks
Let me tell you a true story. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there were star wars. First there was a massive clone war and then there was a rebellion against a galactic empire. Just because I have no evidence for this, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. I derived this […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, culture war, faith, god of the gaps, Religion, science, truth | 1 Comment »
Posted on July 20th, 2010 by Staks
It used to be that only fundamentalists would tell me that science was a religion, but these days even some moderate religious people are using this type of poor reasoning. Their view is that science claims to have the only method for understanding the world. In other words, science claims to have a monopoly on […]
Filed under: anti-intellectualism, Atheism NOT Religion, culture war, Religion, science, truth | 3 Comments »
Posted on June 10th, 2010 by Staks
Science and religion have pretty much always been in conflict. Both claim to be a means of determining knowledge and yet it is only through science that such a claim can be verified. It really is amazingly ignorant of fundamentalist religious people to tell us through a computer that science is based on faith or […]
Filed under: Alternative Worldview, anti-intellectualism, culture war, Decline of Religion, god of the gaps, Religion, science, truth | 11 Comments »
Posted on May 11th, 2010 by Staks
It is pretty common for Christians to claim that God is Truth. What they mean by this isn’t that God is simply a true, but rather that God is actually a synonym for Truth. In other words, to say that God is false would be like saying that the Bachelor is a married man. It […]
Filed under: conversation, discussion, Disproving God, god, Religion, truth | 1 Comment »
Posted on March 9th, 2010 by Staks
What does it mean to claim that we “know” something? Religious people often throw this term around in relation to their deity of choice. They know that their god is real. But what does that really mean? For starters, we have to understand what it means to know. I could say that I know that […]
Filed under: atheism, faith, logic, Religion, science, truth | 2 Comments »
Posted on January 21st, 2010 by Staks
There is a difference between knowing and believing. Fundamentalist Christians often think that if they believe something is true, that makes it true. They might even claim that it is “true for them.” More often than not, they will even say that their view of their religion is Truth. I want to point out that […]
Filed under: delusion, Religion, truth | 2 Comments »