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Election Day is Here Again

Bill Maher said it best when he pointed out that the Democratic Party has moved more to the right and the Republican Party has moved to the nut house. This is evident in this off year election. There are three races around the nation that people are looking at today. The first is the New […]

Obama Becomes Superman

This wasn’t the topic I was planning on writing about today, but I think I would be remiss if I didn’t. President Barack Obama has already joked about being born on Krypton and talked about ridding the world of all nuclear weapons and now we has become a symbol of peace for the entire world. […]

Why is Capitalism Better than Communism? Toothbrushes

Over the weekend, I was reminded of a conversation I had a number of years ago. But before I get into that conversation, I want to talk about more recent conversations I tend to have with people who gravitate to the Right Wing. It seems that whenever I get into a political discussion lately, Right […]

Global Climate Change Isn’t Like Dusting Crops

Today, President Barack Obama went to the United Nations to give one of his signature speeches. This time, his speech was on the Global Climate Change problem. As always, the President was articulate and inspiring. He talked about the great threat that the world faces and even quoted John F. Kennedy. Dealing with the Global […]

American’s Next Top Stupid Republican

The Republicans really do need a game show. It used to be that Republicans just had a token stupid person in office like former Vice-President Dan Quayle but that just wasn’t stupid enough. So then the Republicans elected America’s stupidest President, George W. Bush. Some Republicans however claimed that Bush Jr. was actually a secret […]

Monopolies Too Big To Fail

In the early twentieth century, America was being held hostage by large corporations, monopolies, and trusts. The Governor of New York at the time made it his business to fight back against those monopolies and trusts which had control over both political parties. These industries were so afraid of the Governor’s ability to fight against […]

Obama: No I Can’t

Lately I have been very annoyed that President Obama has caved in to the massive power of the Republican minority on Health Insurance Reform. Many of my fellow Democrats are not as fired up and pissed off as I am. Many tell me that we need to take “baby steps” or that I need to learn how to “compromise.” Some even say that the President can’t just push through real meaningful health insurance reform.

The Public Option No One Can Opt Into

So I watched the President’s big speech last night and some of the reactions that followed. The President complimented the Republicans and even took many of their ideas and put them in his plan. He scaled back the Public Option so that it is only an option for those who can’t afford to pay for […]

No Intelligence Allowed

While intelligence is no guarantee that someone knows what they are talking about, the fact is that statistics show that the more educated someone is the less likely they are to 1. Vote Republican and 2. Believe in a personified deity. Conversely, the less educated someone is the more likely they are to vote Republican […]

The Progressive Option

While the world has already had the healthcare debate and almost every western nation on the planet has realized that some sort of Universalized Healthcare is best way to go, America still seems to be on the slow side. The plan that most progressive Americans favor is the Medicare4All system which basically is the system […]

Only Communists are Against the Public Option

I find it funny that almost every time I get into a conversation with a Republican about Health Insurance Reform, they call me a Communist. Sometimes they will do it outright and sometimes they will just imply it by putting “Comrade” in front of my name. Why would they label me a Communist? Well for […]

Politics is Personal!

The other day, I got a bill from the doctor because my health insurance company decided that it wasn’t going to pay the full bill. I don’t know why this is yet, but at the time I was really pissed off. This is the second time (and second health insurance company) that screwed us. In […]

Democrats Piss on Ted Kennedy’s Grave

Over the weekend, United States Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy was laid to rest next to the graves of his two legendary brothers. While I admit that I didn’t watch much of the news coverage I heard that a great many Democrats and even a few Republicans gave speeches about how great Ted Kennedy was both […]

Who Will Be The Next Ted Kennedy?

Last night, the Lion of the Senate Ted Kennedy died. This was all over the news and he was in poor health for the last few months. Ted was the last of the 3 great Kennedy brothers. Being in the Senate for over 40 years, Kennedy had a hand in many of the great progressive […]

Teach the Controversy

After failing to be allowed to teach Creationism in public classrooms across America, Creationists moved to the idea of Intelligent Design. Now that watered down version of Creationism has also been thrown out of public schools for being a ridiculously poor attempt to indoctrinate children about Creationism. But Creationists aren’t giving up. They have now […]

America is Not a Christian Nation

On occasion, some Christians will inform me that America is a Christian Nation. In the sense that the majority of Americans are Christian that maybe true, but in the sense that Christianity is the national religion, it is obviously false. These particular Christians who claim that America is a Christian Nation really mean to say […]

Please Sarah Palin, Sue Me!

We have all heard that the holier than thou Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, announced that she will be resigning from the office of Governor in three weeks for apparently no reason. Her press conference was wildly unfocused, vague, and left more questions than answers. This of course has lead to tons of rumors and […]

Letterman Chases Palin Out of Office

Over the Independence Day weekend, Governor Sarah Palin announced her early retirement from the Governor’s position with a year and a half still left in her term. There has been much speculation on why she would do this when she is also raising money for a possible race to the White House. Palin’s announcement was […]

The American Dating System

Today’s Daily Blog is in recognition of Independence Day. One argument that I get from some particularly stupid fundamentalist Christians surprisingly a lot is that Christianity  must be true because we use Christ’s alleged birth as the basis for our dating system; BC meaning “Before Christ” and AD meaning “Anno Domini” (in the year or […]

Politicians Should Not Make Sex Tapes

Politicians should not make sex tapes. I think we need to add that to the Constitution or something. It appears that former presidential candidate John Edwards may have made a sex tape with his “videographer,” Rielle Hunter. I know she was supposed to video tape his every move and everything, but I think she might […]

On The Vagina Trail

In the last few weeks, two prominent Republicans have been a tad hypocritical. Senator John Ensign from Nevada is part of the fundamentalist Christian group “Promise Keepers” which preaches the “family values” angle. Ensign was also one of the possible contenders for the Republican Party’s Presidential pick for 2012. Well, as you have no doubt […]

Apple’s New Journalism Application: The Iran

During the Bush years, it became painfully obvious that our modern media had lost it’s collective balls. The days of Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, Bob Woodward, and Carl Bernstein are long over. Recently there has been some election fraud in Iran followed by massive protests and possibly a revolution (only time will tell). The […]

Can’t Compromise with Republicans

One of the reasons why I opposed Barack Obama in the primary was because he strongly believes in compromise. While I also believe in the spirit of compromise, I realize that there is a time to compromise and a time not to compromise. Obama is always trying to compromise and that doesn’t work too well […]

A New Beginning: Separate But Equal

In the winter of 2002, I met with my Republican Congressman to discuss several issues that concerned me and my listeners at WCUR. My Congressman at the time was a member of the Armed Forces Committee and bragged about his foreign policy knowledge. I asked him if America should be involved in trying to create […]

Judge Sonia Sotomayor on Church/State Issues

President Barack Obama has announced his nomination for the Supreme Court. Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a mixed bag. She is a well known political moderate and as the first Latina nominee, she puts the Republican is a tough place since they would like to gain support within the Latin American community. She has been described […]

A Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day is here and that means only one thing, the official start of Hollywood’s movie season! Oh wait, that has already started a few weeks ago. Never mind, I guess it means something else. Over America’s 200 plus years, we as a nation have been called to service to defend our home and our […]

A Nation of Laws

America has to decide whether we are a nation of laws or a nation of men. If we are a nation of laws, than no body is above the law. If we are a nation of laws, than the United States Government must respect and comply with the rule of law. Now that the Bush […]

The Republican-Nazi Party

I heard on the news yesterday that the Republicans were planning on introducing a resolution to rename the Democratic Party the “Socialist-Democratic Party.” At first I thought they were actually planning on introducing this resolution in the House where it would almost certainly fail since there are more Democrats in the House than there are […]

The Danger of Lip Service

For a long time now, the Democratic Party Leadership has held the dogmatic view that they believe that “marriage should be between a man and a woman.” During the 2008 Presidential campaign every Democratic candidate echoed those words with the exception of the two long shot candidates Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel. While most people […]

Religious Right Fights for Control of Republican Party

Rush Limbaugh said it best when he claimed that the Republican Party is divided into three distinct power bases, the Fiscal Conservatives, the Military Industrial Complex, and the Religious Right. George W. Bush was able to convince the first two that they had a strong voice while most of the power during his administration went […]

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