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Religious Right Fights for Control of Republican Party

Rush Limbaugh said it best when he claimed that the Republican Party is divided into three distinct power bases, the Fiscal Conservatives, the Military Industrial Complex, and the Religious Right. George W. Bush was able to convince the first two that they had a strong voice while most of the power during his administration went to the Religious Right.

Now that Bush’s Presidency is seen by almost everyone as the disaster that it was, the Religious Right have taken most of the blame. It was this blame, which enabled John McCain to win the Republican primary despite his long feud with the Religious Right. He need to pick a Religious Right VP though and Sarah Palin was their wet dream. But like Bush, everyone outside the Religious Right now sees Palin as a disaster.

But don’t count the Religious Right out of the Republican Party just yet. Palin and fellow fundamentalist wacko Bobby Jindal are both planning a run for the White House in 2012. Not only that, but the Religious Right are also planning on taking aim at some of the less Religious Right Republican Senators in 2010. For starters, John “Maverick” McCain is under fire and in a serious way. Chris Simcox who was the founder of the “Minutemen” Movement is taking his shot to remove the immigrant loving former Presidential candidate. It will actually be a pretty tough fight for the Comeback Kid.

And here in my state of Pennsylvania, the Religious Right is taking a second shot at Senator Arlen Specter. Last time, former Congressman Pat Toomey almost beat Specter in the Republican Primary. Now he is trying again. Specter’s fight with cancer may hurt him in the voting booth as will Specter’s more liberal voting record. But both Specter and McCain have seniority and in the Senate that mean a lot… of pork.

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