The Danger of Lip Service
For a long time now, the Democratic Party Leadership has held the dogmatic view that they believe that “marriage should be between a man and a woman.” During the 2008 Presidential campaign every Democratic candidate echoed those words with the exception of the two long shot candidates Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel.
While most people realize that the two frontrunners, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton probably didn’t believe the rhetoric, they nevertheless dogmatically echoed those words. Now Obama is President and Clinton is Secretary of State. When asked about this issue, both still dogmatically echo the opinion that “marriage should be between a man and a woman.” Whether they believe the words they are saying or not I don’t care. The problem is that it provides cover for those who really do hold to the opinion that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
On Tuesday, the still Miss California, Carrie Prejean, restated her view that only “opposite marriage” should be considered marriage and to support this claim, she stated that her belief on this matter was no different than that of the President of the United States and the Secretary of State. Now if we want to criticize the position of Carrie Prejean and her new best friends at the National Organization for Marriage, we have to also criticize the President. The National Organization for Marriage is betting on the President’s popularity and so they don’t think civil liberty supporters will touch that.
Well, I will touch that. The President is WRONG! And his statements, which he almost certainly doesn’t actually even believe are now being used to fuel hate. Just as the beliefs of liberal Christians provide the cover for the hate spewed by the Religious Right. In the case of the liberal Christians however, they do believe some of their brand of bullshit, but still by claiming that the Bible is some how a holy book inspired by the Creator of the Universe, they are providing legitimacy to the Religious Right’s claim of doing God’s work by demonizing same-gender relations, sex education, contraception, and the sciences of evolution, stem cell research, and global climate change.
I’m sorry, but the Bible is not a holy book, homosexuals should be allowed to marry, and good meaning people who believe that the Bible is a holy book or who play lip service to the Religious Right on the issue of gay marriage even when they don’t really believe those things are just as much to blame as those who really do believe those things. If someone claims that the Bible is a holy book, than they are against same-gender marriage. This is the case whether they realize it or not. I know there are a lot of Christians out there who claim to support same-gender marriage, but if they put the Bible up on a pedestal, than they are actively working against that view.
I think the President should be ashamed for not speaking his real opinion on these matters. And those liberal Christian believers also be ashamed for holding up the Bible as a holy book when most of it is filled with hate. By claiming that it is holy, they are also claiming that homosexuality is an abomination.
Filed under: Gay Issues, Politics, Religion, sex