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The Republican-Nazi Party

I heard on the news yesterday that the Republicans were planning on introducing a resolution to rename the Democratic Party the “Socialist-Democratic Party.” At first I thought they were actually planning on introducing this resolution in the House where it would almost certainly fail since there are more Democrats in the House than there are Republicans. But then I realized that this resolution was only going to be made to the Republican National Committee. As it turns out, the Republicans decided not to go this route and to instead just make their resolution to ask the Democrats to “stop pushing our country toward socialism.”

I think it is to bad that the Republicans didn’t go with their first idea. Because if the Republicans had pushed to rename the Democratic Party the “Socialist-Democratic Party” it would be meaningless anyway. The thing that I kept thinking as I read the story on the various news sites was how incredibly stupid such a resolution would be. For one thing, it again brands the Republican Party as the party of obstruction, hate, and mean spirited partisanship. Second, it shows just how irrelevant the Republican Party is that even if they pass such a resolution, it changes nothing. And third, if the Democrats decided to go tit-for-tat on this, the Republicans would be in real trouble.

Let me address that last point a little bit more. Let’s say that the Democrats decided that we think the Republican Party should be renamed the “Bush Party” or perhaps the “Republican-Nazi Party.” The Democrats wouldn’t make such a resolution within the Democratic National Committee. Let’s say that the Democrats instead made this resolution in the United States Congress. Chances are such a resolution would actually pass. It would be legally binding. In the 2012 Presidential Election there would be the Democratic Party candidate and the Republican-Nazi Party candidate. It would be on the ballots and people would be registered as members of the Republican-Nazi Party or maybe just the Nazi Party. In short, the Democrats could pass this! But they won’t because the Democrats are wussies who can’t even close Guantanamo Bay or end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”

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