Politicians Should Not Make Sex Tapes
Politicians should not make sex tapes. I think we need to add that to the Constitution or something. It appears that former presidential candidate John Edwards may have made a sex tape with his “videographer,” Rielle Hunter. I know she was supposed to video tape his every move and everything, but I think she might have taken the job description too literally.
I just am glad this guy didn’t become President and then have this tape come out. Normally, I couldn’t care less if a politician is having sex outside of marriage. He or she could video tape it and stick it up on one of the many porn equivalents to YouTube for all I care. I don’t really even care how kinky it might be. Aside from the “wow” factor, it doesn’t necessarily affect the politician’s job in my opinion.
However, like in the case of Republicans Vitter, Craig, Ensign, Sanford and Democrat Spitzer and now Edwards, if the politician goes around bragging about what a great family man he is and how everyone else should be as holy as he is, than that politician needs to go down. John Edwards now joins the crew of political hypocrites.
Personally, I can’t wait to watch the Edwards tape, not because I want to actually see the tape, but because I want to be able to say, “I saw the tape.” I bet Edwards is a bit of a diva in the bedroom too. He probably has a mirror nearby to make sure his hair doesn’t move out of place.
If Bill and Hillary Clinton came out with a sex tape, I wouldn’t be so hostile. We all know Bill is a lady’s man and while we might be shocked that the tape was with Hillary, neither of them have played the “holier than thou” card. And if a Clinton tape didn’t have Hillary, we wouldn’t be shocked at all. While Bill and Hillary claim to have a marriage, I don’t think they ever preach about how great their marriage is and how everyone else should be just like them.
For the most part, unless a politician goes out of their way to push some kind of family values agenda or preach about their holier than thou family, I don’t really care what they do behind closed doors. I don’t think there should be a sexual litmus test for public office. In fact, I think the dirtier and kinkier our politicians are the better they will probably be. Don’t get me wrong, cheating is a bad thing but as long as it doesn’t impact the job it shouldn’t be a deal breaker.
Just think of all the great Presidents we have had who have cheated. Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy are just the two that come to mind the quickest. Ben Franklin wasn’t a President, but he certainly was a powerful politician who had a pretty strong kinky side (although he surprisingly probably didn’t cheat on his wife).
These days, when someone is interested in running for office, the first thing they have to think about is whether or not they ever had kinky sex which an ex-lover may bring to the public light. Have they ever cheated or even flirted with someone other than their spouse? I am against the sexual litmus test and the politicians who play the sexual purity game only to get caught with their pants down… sometimes even on video tape.
Filed under: Current Events, Politics, sex