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Twas The Blog Before Christmas…

Twas the blog before Christmas, when all through the blogosphere Every atheist was stirring, even Christopher Hitchens was here. The banners, signs, and billboards were hung by the crèche with care, In hopes that Dr. Dawkins would soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of the Flying […]

Christian Conspiracy Nuts

It is bad enough when atheists dogmatically believe in the nonsense of grand conspiracies, but when Christians believe this crap, they are two levels of crazy. The other day, I posted an Examiner article about how Christians have been tweeting death threats to atheists. Yesterday, a Christian called me out on this. He claimed that […]

Christianity: The Religion of Peace

Christians are always complaining about how mean atheists are and how Christianity is a religion of peace and compassion. But this is just another Christian delusion. The fact is that the opposite is true. It is pretty rare for atheists to threaten Christians over some expression of their religiosity. Sure, there may be atheists that […]

Hitchens Has Risen!

On Sunday, I was on the Twitter and saw that some of the atheists that I am following had experienced a miracle. It turns out that Christopher Hitchens was seen alive three days after he died of cancer. The evidence is clear, Hitchen has risen! People tweeted about seeing an empty coffin and others saw […]

Meeting Halfway

When atheists and Christians discuss religion we often talk past each other. That being the case, I came up with an idea that might change that. I think we should try to meet Christians halfway… as long as they are willing to meet us halfway. Here is how it works. First, we offer to meet […]

The Remarkable Mr. Hitchens

I had an entirely different blog post in mind for today, but sadly that will have to wait until next week. Sadly, Christopher Hitchens has died and that is something that needs talking about because he was such a remarkable person. Late last night, when I heard the news I posted an Examiner article on […]

It’s Okay to be Takei!

Former Star Trek actor, gay activist, and Humanist George Takei has been on fire lately. When a bill was on the table in one of the southern states (I forget which one) that attempted to restrict teachers from using the word, “gay” in the classroom, George Takei stepped up with his, “It’s okay to be […]

I’m Waiting To Die

Earlier this week, I wrote about how religious believers often seem like they are just waiting to die and that this world is just a doorway into the next world. For many Christians, this world only purpose is to serve God by proselytizing until the end comes. But now, when a Christians comes to proselytize […]

The Assumed All Fallacy

People often have conversations in which we label others into groups. Those group identities can be created by others or the group themselves. Either case, when we talk about the group ambiguity creeps in. The perceiver may make the assumption that the conversation must apply to the entire group rather than the group in general. […]

Waiting to Die

One of the most common statements religious believers make toward atheists is that without the promise of everlasting life, our lives must be meaningless. Quite frankly, I think it is reversed. It seems to me that most religious believers are so focused on their afterlife that they go around this life just waiting to die. […]

The Real Reason for Season

Christians are always claiming that Jesus is the reason for the season and many fundamentalists have started “Keep Christ in Christmas” campaigns. Yet it has been pretty well established as common knowledge now that Christians stole Christmas from the pagans. The fact is that Christmas doesn’t belong to Christians. It doesn’t even belong to the […]

Speculating Lennon

Thirty-one years ago today, musician and activist John Lennon was shot and killed. I wonder what he would be doing if he were alive today. Aside from the awesome music which might have been made, what would Lennon’s activism look like in today’s world? For starters, he would almost certainly be a large voice supporting […]

Why Are Theists Angry?

Religious believers often accuse atheists of being angry, but if you ever read comment on any article dealing with atheism, it really seems like it is the theists who are the angry ones. Why is that? Last weekend, atheists rallied to protest our exclusion from the “Free Speech Zone” in West Chester, PA. The local […]

Censoring the World for Santa

As an atheist, I have no problem informing people that their imaginary friend is… well, imaginary. But it seems that many of my fellow atheists get all bent out of shape when the imaginary friend happens to be Santa Claus. Yesterday, I published an Examiner article about a news anchor who told the obvious truth […]

Gymnastic Interpretations

Many times when I criticize a particular heinous verse of the Bible, religious believers will criticize me for taking the Bible too literally. They will claim that the verse is merely a metaphor. Sometimes they are correct, but not usually. It seems that religious believers will bend over backwards to find an interpretation that isn’t […]

The Problem of the Cruelty Asshole

We are all familiar with Epicurus’s Problem of Evil but for the Christian there is a bigger Problem of Evil too. I’ll call it the Problem of the Cruelty Asshole. Epicurus has put his problem this way: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not […]

The Funniest Tweet

I tweet a lot of my articles out on the twitter. Sometimes I get comments back and even get into twitter discussions on rare occasions. But yesterday, I got the funniest tweet back in response to one of my articles. Oddly enough, I am not sure what article the response was directed toward, but it […]

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