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Worthy of the Worship

Christians are always telling me that I need to worship their deity of choice. When I ask why, they warn me of eternal punishment and damnation in the fires of Hell. Sometimes, they will entice me into worshipping their deity with promises of eternal bliss in Heaven. But all threats and bribes aside, they still […]

Judge Sonia Sotomayor on Church/State Issues

President Barack Obama has announced his nomination for the Supreme Court. Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a mixed bag. She is a well known political moderate and as the first Latina nominee, she puts the Republican is a tough place since they would like to gain support within the Latin American community. She has been described […]

Star Wars Day

While yesterday was Memorial Day, it was also Star Wars Day. It was May 25th 1977 that Star Wars first premiered on the Big Screen and the world took its first steps into a much larger world. I take my Star Wars very seriously. I have often said that while I am an agnostic atheist, […]

A Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day is here and that means only one thing, the official start of Hollywood’s movie season! Oh wait, that has already started a few weeks ago. Never mind, I guess it means something else. Over America’s 200 plus years, we as a nation have been called to service to defend our home and our […]

A Nation of Laws

America has to decide whether we are a nation of laws or a nation of men. If we are a nation of laws, than no body is above the law. If we are a nation of laws, than the United States Government must respect and comply with the rule of law. Now that the Bush […]

The Republican-Nazi Party

I heard on the news yesterday that the Republicans were planning on introducing a resolution to rename the Democratic Party the “Socialist-Democratic Party.” At first I thought they were actually planning on introducing this resolution in the House where it would almost certainly fail since there are more Democrats in the House than there are […]

Christian Subject Changers

Often times when I am discussing religion with a fundamentalist Christian, they will change the subject on me and say things like, “well, you believe that the Universe came from nothing,” or “well, you believe that people came from monkeys.” I wish I was making that up, but it is true that fundamentalist Christians have […]

God and Medicine

Yesterday, I took my 3-month-old son Orion to the doctor. While we were there, the doctor asked us the standard questions about his medical history and then she asked if there were any religious beliefs, which would prevent him from taking certain medicines or treatments. My wife just laughed. Personally, I can’t imagine anyone letting […]

Putting a Face on Atheism

Over the weekend, I was on the ReasonProject.org website and someone suggested that a good public relations move might be to put a more person face on atheism. Even though more and more people are starting to come out of the closet and let those around them know that they question the existence of God […]

God Personified

Why is it that the Christian God is supposed to be all-powerful and yet it took him a full 6 days to create the world? Shouldn’t he have been able to do it with a snap of his metaphysical fingers? A real god should be able to think it and it happens. And while we […]

The Danger of Lip Service

For a long time now, the Democratic Party Leadership has held the dogmatic view that they believe that “marriage should be between a man and a woman.” During the 2008 Presidential campaign every Democratic candidate echoed those words with the exception of the two long shot candidates Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel. While most people […]

Anselm’s Ontological Argument

For some reason, this argument has cropped up again in a conversation that I recently had with a Christian. Let me paraphrase the argument: The definition of God is a being in which no greater being can be conceived. It is greater to actually exist than it is to not actually exist. Therefore, God must […]

It Takes More Faith to be an Atheist

The popular Christian argument is that in order for atheists to reject the claim that a god exists, we must first know everything. What they are claiming is that atheists must know the entire set of facts about the universe before we can look and that set and see that their God is not included […]

“I’ll Pray for You”

Not to long ago, I had a pretty lengthy conversation with a Christian that I had met. The conversation was going pretty well and we were both enjoying the discussion. I had thought that I had finally gotten him to understand that he really shouldn’t be trying to convert everyone he meets. It is intolerant […]

The End of Days for Religion

Since that lecture and that June 6th blog, I have posted a number of blogs talking about new polls, surveys, and studies, which show religion on the decline and atheism on the raise.

A Celebration of Reason

While much of this country is focused on conversations with their imaginary friend, the secular would have decided to celebrate today as the National Day of Reason. It is a day for people of reason everywhere to step up and celebrate and to raise awareness of the attacks upon reason, freethought, and the wall of […]

Atheism is NOT a Religion

For some reason, Christians often claim that atheism is a religion just like Christianity. I see this as their attempt to bring people of reason into the mud with them. Clearly religion is starting to get a bad reputation and being reasonable, skeptical, and doubtful or ridiculous claims are all traits, which are starting to […]

Lazy Media & Christian Soldiers

This story is really two stories in one and both seem equally shocking to me. The first is that the United States Military seems to be doing religious proselytizing in Afghanistan.


I have always been fascinated by prophecies. I read a lot of Nostradamus, Eager Casey, and of course the Bible. I even think I might have had a prophetic dream myself once (I’ll let you know in about 10 to 15 years if it comes to pass). I have gone to psychics and had my […]

Preaching to the Emotionally Vulnerable

Ever wonder why missionaries travel to third world nations full of starving people in order to preach Jesus? Sure, maybe they go to feed the starving people out of the compassion in their hearts, but if that were true they would leave their Bibles at home. Instead, the feeding the hungry just acts as a […]

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