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Christians: Read Your Bible Again… For The First Time

I find that most Christians get so wrapped up in their bronze aged mythology that they seem to have a really hard time taking an objective look from a non-Christian perspective. There is an old saying about walking a mile (or some such distance) in someone else’s shoes or something. The fact is that the […]

Did The Devil Make Me Do It?

Last week, ABC’s Nightline (a division of ABC News) aired a debate on the existence of the Devil. First, I should mention that last year they had a debate on the existence of God. And while both debates are absolutely ridiculous for a prestigious news organization to dignify with airtime, at least the God debate […]

Judge God

One frequent argument I hear from Christians is what I call the “Judge God Argument.” Here, Christians tell me a story about a teen that is speeding, driving drunk, or some other illegal act that teenagers might commit. In this story, we are the teen and after being caught by the police we are brought […]

The Myth of Free Will

“When asked about Free Will, I always give the same response, “Of course we do; I had no choice.” Christopher Hitchens gave this response at a Christian Book Expo Panel and while I think it was a funny response and that Hitchens had a great point within that context, I don’t think we actually have […]

Deleting the Old Testament

Quite a few Christians on the more liberal side of the spectrum (I’m talking to you Tony Campolo) claim that the Old Testament is no longer valid and that Jesus abolished the Old Testament in favor of the New Testament. They think that this strategy will allow them to get out of stoning people to […]

My Favorite Bible Verse

Many people think that because I believe that the Bible is fiction that it automatically means that I haven’t read it or that I do not like it. The fact is that I love the Bible… as a book of bronze aged fiction. As a book claiming to be divine and historical truth I think […]

“The Coming Evangelical Collapse”

Guest Blog from The A-Team (Reprinted Letter to the Editor from The Bergen Record) In “The coming evangelical collapse” (Other Views, March 12), Michael Spencer fails to grasp the root problem: the movement itself. Spencer calls the movement’s identification with the culture war and political conservatism “a costly mistake,” as if another option exists for […]

In Defense of The Westboro Baptist Church

A lot of times I see my fellow freethinkers arguing against Fred Phelps and his wacky Westboro Baptist Church. All I can do is laugh. I mean really, no one even takes that crazy bunch seriously so why bother arguing against them? Oh no, they picket funerals and yell, “God hates fags.” So what? People […]

Atheist Day

Apparently, there is a movement to make this Friday (tomorrow) “Atheist Day.” I am not entirely sure if this is to be an annual atheist day or just a one time event. Nor am I sure I really want an “Atheist Day.” To me everyday is an atheist day. It isn’t as if I believe […]

Rejecting Responsibility

An argument that I hear a lot from Fundamentalist Christians is that atheists reject God because we love sin and don’t want the responsibility of living a “Godly Life.” Of course this is a ridiculous argument because it assumes that atheists really do believe in the Christian God, but just don’t want to admit it […]

I Don’t Believe in Airplanes

“I just can’t believe this kind of thing. If I throw a ball up in the air, it falls down to the Earth. So how can you expect me to believe that something that weighs tons can just fly around with people in it? The law of gravity says that whatever comes up must come […]

Pi Day

As many of you may know, Saturday was March 14th or 3.14 or Pi Day. This is a day in which we should all celebrate math and science and make learning fun. Many in the greater atheistic community have wanted to create atheistic holidays to celebrate since we don’t really celebrate religious holidays. I don’t […]

Water into Wine? Please!

Christians are so into the Jesus miracles. I can’t tell you how many times a Christian of some denomination tells me that Jesus must have been God because he was able to turn water into wine and all the other miraculous crap. Personally, I think it would say more about a deity in the flesh […]

Atheist Good Cop/Bad Cop Game

We all know that there are a wide range of people who believe very different things and yet all call themselves Christians. Some Christians are the Good Cop Christians, some are the Bad Cop Christians, and some are somewhere in between. The thing with atheists is that atheism is a term that describes a lack […]

Christian Good Cop/Bad Cop Game

I remember watching those old police movies in which two police officers are interrogating a suspect and one police officer pretends to be this over the top, loud, angry, and erratic cop threatening the guy with the worst treatment possible if he doesn’t cooperate while the other cop pretends to care about the guy and […]

Religion On The Decline

Yesterday the results of the American Religious Identification Survey were released and it has become the topic of conversation on just about every news network. The big reveal is that religion is on the decline in America. This is of course in line with the Harris Poll which was released last year. Not only is […]

The Quick and Easy Answer

Often times a Christian will demand that I explain why something is the world is the way it is or how come people behave a certain way. Their view is that God made it that way. But their demand takes it a step further, if I can’t explain exactly how science explains something with 100% […]

Gay Marriage and Atheism

While there is no religion of atheism nor is there a doctrine of atheism to which all atheists need to subscribe to, many atheists have united together and formed freethought and humanistic communities which promote rational thinking, education, and reason over superstition. Because of the emphasis on rational thought and education it is not a […]

Same Gender Relationships

Today, the California Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments in the Proposition 8 case with a decision set to come in 90 days. Back when I was in college, a gay friend of mine was putting on an educational program called “Homosexuality and Spirituality.” This was the second time that she was putting on […]

The Fallacy of The Natural

I have noticed that in modern society, people seem to be all about the “All Natural” label. If a food is “all natural” people seem to think that is analogous to it been healthy or good in some way. This claim however is an irrational one probably brought about through good marketing. I also think […]

Hating the Sin, Not the Sinner

Since the “Four Horsemen” of atheism have had their books on the top of the charts, Christians and even some atheists claim that any atheist who criticizes Christianity or calls Christianity out for the evil that it preaches are themselves intolerant bigots. To this, I always say the same thing. I hate Christianity, not Christians. […]

Rules of Engagement

Recently, I watched a few youtube videos from Brother Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist. In his latest video, Brother Sam talked about the Rules of Engagement that he employs when discussing religion with Christians. While I disagree with many of Brother Sam’s rules, I do think he is right to have rules. And while his rules […]

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