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Beauty and Ungodliness

Guest Blog from ShaunPhilly: Two examples of reasons why people believe in some sort of god don’t seem to jive with each other so well. Let me put it this way; have you heard someone say that the world is so beautiful and awe-inspiring, so how could you not see their god’s presence? Later on […]

“Nothing Will Change My Mind”

Guest Blog from Michael Rosch of The A-Team: “Don’t give up the fight!!!!! We know the vaccines cause, or are one of the causes of Autism. Never let them win. Keep spreading the word. No matter what they say or decide, they will NEVER change my mind.” This is an excerpt from an actual Myspace […]

Will the Real Christian Please Stand Up

I have been known to start up debates and discussions with Christians on more than a few occasions. Some might even call it picking a fight or even a form of intellectual or spiritual bullying of those less knowledgeable about religion than I am. In any case, one drawback to doing this is that I […]

Agnostic Atheist

– Atheist: Lack of belief in a deity. This is derived from the prefix “a” meaning “lack of” or “no” and the word “theist” meaning belief in a deity. – Agnostic: Lack of knowledge in a deity. Again, this is derived from the prefix “a” meaning “lack of” or “no” and the word “gnostic” meaning […]

Best Tabooed Subject

And the nominees are… The Economy, Homosexuality, Racism, Politics, Religion. And the winner is… Religion! Hugh Jackman discussed the economy first by putting on the seemingly low budget intro, which was much funnier than I thought it would be. And of course Slumdog Millionaire cleaned up a lot of Oscars including Best Picture. Clearly the […]

Christianity is Wackier than Scientology

I am not trying to defend Scientology in today’s blog, but I do think that Scientology performs a valuable service to  our society for the moment. Now, I know what you are thinking, “what the hell can Scientology offer the rational world?” Well, I think it helps us to compare it to Christianity. In my […]

Out of Context

“People say that I hate chocolate. That’s not true, I love chocolate. It tastes sweet.” If someone were to claim that I said, “I hate chocolate,” Then they are clearly taking my words out of context. If someone said that, “I love chocolate” they are also taking my words out of context. However in the […]

Reminder: The Evils of Christianity

It seems that every few months I have to remind people of the evils of Christianity. I guess I could always just recount the long and bloody history of torture, wars, and miscellaneous cruelty, which has taken place specifically because Christians believed that was what the God of the Bible wanted them to do. I […]

Why Atheists are Angry/Frustrated

Recently, someone asked me why I am so angry with so many Christians and with Christianity as a system of belief. They wanted to know what negative experiences I have had personally which have caused my anger. The fact is that no such personal ultra-negative experiences have occurred; yet I am still angry with a […]

More Churches than Schools

I think it really says something about our society that most towns have about 3 maybe 4 schools and yet they also have a church on almost every street corner. People are more willing to donate almost unlimited funds to churches, but they bitch and complain about paying school taxes. Schools educate children and help […]

Behind the Magic of Love

Well, Valentines Day is approaching and I am starting to get a lot of e-mails claiming that love is magical and some how proof of God, so I thought I would talk a little about love and attraction. Love and attraction are actually more like a science and so I thought that the best way […]

Evidence for Common Descent

Evidence for Common Descent Christian Creationists tell me all the time, “I didn’t come from a dirty ape!” It is usually at this point that I laugh at them. These are usually the same Creationists Christians who tell me that they have studied evolution. It is at this point that I laugh even louder because […]

Focusing on the Future

I know right now there are a lot of problems that need to be solved. The economy is still plummeting, terrorists are still looking for an opportunity to attack, Israel and the Palestinians are still at each other’s throats, and then there is global climate change and all the other important problems that need solving. […]

Billboard Wars

Probably since the concept of billboards came about to advertise products, Tax exempt Christians organizations and Churches have paid to advertise God… as if an all powerful creator of the universe needed advertising. Isn’t he God, can’t he stop the sun from moving across the sky or something? In any case, while some of those […]

Putting Science into The Church

I am getting really tired of Fundamentalist Christianity constantly trying to put Creationism into science classes. I am getting tired of Fundamentalist Christianity constantly trying to put their prayers into public schools. And I am getting tired of Christianity inserting “faith” into our secular government. So why don’t we start playing their game for a […]

Texas Teacher suspended for being an “atheist”

Texas Teacher suspended for being “Liberal” and an “atheist” Written by: Brad Watkins on Feb 2, 2009 4:03 PM EST For the past few days I have been in contact with Mr. Richard Mullens a school teacher in Brookeland Tx. Brookeland Tx, is an incredibly “Conservative” area of Texas, and only 16 miles up the […]

Binary Thinking

There seems to be a high corollary between Christianity and black and white reasoning. I am not saying that there is a causal connection although I suspect that there maybe a causal connection, but I have noticed that a very large number of Christians have a very hard time thinking in shades of gray. While […]

The Devil Made Me Do It

I seem to get a lot of e-mails from Christians who believe in a literal Satan and in actual physical Demons. I guess they are like Death-Eaters from Harry Potter except a surprisingly high number of people seem to believe that these things are real and not fiction. It really is shocking to me how […]

Faith Based Fuel

A lot of times in my discussions with Christians of various degrees on the wacko scale, I am told that I just need to have faith. Faith is seen by the vast majority of Christians (from liberal to fundamental) as a virtue. Let me re-state that because it bears re-stating. Belief without evidence (the definition […]

Lead us not in Temptation

The Super Bowl these days is all about one thing, the commercials and every advertiser wants to make sure their new million dollar ad makes it on the air for this commercial event. This is after all the one time of year when people actually want to watch the commercials. Of course, it has become […]

Atheist with Christian Attachments

This weekend, I was driving down the road when something behind me caught my eye. I looked in my rear-view mirror and there were three college aged guys in the car behind me laughing and flailing their arms around erratically. At first, I just thought they were frat being silly, but then one of the […]

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