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Focusing on the Future

I know right now there are a lot of problems that need to be solved. The economy is still plummeting, terrorists are still looking for an opportunity to attack, Israel and the Palestinians are still at each other’s throats, and then there is global climate change and all the other important problems that need solving. There is no time or money left to use toward space exploration. Yet I think that is something we should invest time and money in… especially now.

It is easy to be caught up in the problems of the day and to focus on the immediate monetary challenges that we have to deal with. But we also need to look ahead to the future. We also need to fire up our imaginations and explore the space. The scientific research that we fund today may help the world tomorrow.

I “hope” that President Obama has the “audacity” to reach for the stars and put more funding and effort into the space program… particularly now in the middle of this economic crisis. It would be an unpopular move, but it would get people thinking on a more global level and it would give people something to dream about and hope for. Obama said during the campaign that being President means that you need to handle multiple crises at the same time and America certainly has a lot of those right now. And that is why I think he should look to the future and focus our attention off of the problems and on to something more constructive. This is the 21st Century and I want my moon base and starships!

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