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An Atheist Celebrates Easter

First things first, Easter’s NOT a Christian holiday. I know Christians hate to hear this, but there is no reference to the Easter Bunny, chocolate eggs, colored eggs, egg hunts, etc. in the Bible. All this nonsense about Jesus coming back from the dead or whatever has nothing to do with Easter. Christians should call their holiday Zombie Sunday or something, but it is not Easter.

It really isn’t in dispute that Easter is named after a Pagan Goddess. While there are multiple stories in relation to said Goddess, Jesus appears to be absent from them all. Regardless of which Pagan myth you want to go by, the whole idea of Easter is that winter ends and spring begins. That is the main point of the holiday… that and you idea that now you should get your grove on, get jiggy with it, fuck like rabbits, etc.

So that is what I celebrate when I celebrate Easter, spring and fucking. I still celebrate Easter even though I know that the Easter Bunny isn’t real. I also know that Mickey Mouse isn’t real, but I still like the occasional Disney movie. BTW, Star Wars… totally real.

Seriously though, we can’t let Christians have this one. They have no right to steal pagan holidays and demand that only they are allowed to celebrate them. The fact is that Christians have stolen almost all of their holidays. They are terribly unimaginative. Take Easter for example, they didn’t even both to change the name of the holiday. It is still named after a Pagan Goddess. How fucking lazy is that?

Have fun this weekend, paint Easter Eggs and go to Easter Egg hunts with the kids, eat lots of chocolate, fuck like rabbits, and welcome the spring season.

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