Sarah Palin Expects the Apocalypse Soon
It seems that Sarah Palin’s 15 minutes of fame is not up just yet. It is pretty well established that she was picked to be the 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential candidate largely due to her strong fundamentalist views. The McCain campaign had hoped to get the Religious Right energized about his campaign through her. While McCain may have lost the election he succeeded on this point.
One of Palin’s wackier moments was made public when a YouTube clip surfaced of her at church getting protection from a witch doctor in the name of Jesus. But don’t think for a moment that she doesn’t really believe this stuff. In a recent interview with Barbara Walters, Palin gave a very interesting answer to a question about Israeli settlements on what the Palestinians consider their territory. She said, “I disagree with the Obama administration on that. I believe that… um… the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon. Because that population of Israel is is going to grow more and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days, weeks, and months ahead and um… I don’t think that the Obama administration has any right to tell um Israel that uh Jewish settlements cannot expand.”
Now let me ask a follow-up question that Walters did not even consider. “Sarah, why do you think that Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days, weeks, and months ahead?” I wonder if Palin believes that the End of Days is approaching and that Jews will be flocking to Israel just before that happens.
Some people may claim that I am reading into her comments too much, but I really think Palin believes that there will be a reason for Jews to “flock” to the Holy Land in the “days, weeks, and months ahead.” I really think she is serious about that. I also think that she is being genuine here and not just trying to speak in religious code like Bush did. As dumb as Bush was, Palin is even dumber. She doesn’t have Rove to tell her to hide messages in her interviews to get the Religious Right to like her more. They already love her.
Sarah Palin is the real deal here. She really does believe that the world is going to come to an end… soon. She really believes that the Jews are going to flock to Israel and that the Middle East is going to be the site for Armageddon. And you thought that the Witch Doctor was scary…
Filed under: Current Events, End of Days, palin, prophecies, Religion