Why Did God Create the Universe?
Think about it for a moment. Let’s say you are God. You have always existed and then suddenly even though nothing has changed or can change you decided to poof create the Universe. Why?
If nothing had changed why wouldn’t God just keep doing what God was doing? What caused God to decide to one day (before there were days) to create the Universe? Now some theists will cop-out and say that the Universe was all part of his divine plan, but when did he make this divine plan? More importantly, why did he make his divine plan? God has been around (according to believers) forever. So at some point during forever, he decided for no reason to create a divine plan. What was God doing before his divine plan? Intelligent humans want to know.
Then I have some more questions for believers. So forever is going by and then for no reason God just decides to have a divine plan. For no reason at all, after doing whatever it is that God does, God decides to create the Universe. According to believers, God created the Universe special just for us human beings. But the problem is that the Universe is really, really big and we are just tiny little specks. Now can understand if believers thought that humans would someday be smart enough to explore the entire Universe that their God created for us, but that isn’t what believers believe.
Jews believe that the Messiah is coming to save them from more Earthly concerns. Christians believe that Jesus is coming to save them soon and take all who believe to Heaven soon. Muslims don’t even like modernity at all so they have no desire to explore the Universe. Besides, if they die now, they can get 72 virgins for the price on one.
The point is that none of the Abrahamic religions have any intention of exploring this great big Universe on religious grounds. So why would their God create such a vast Universe which had absolutely nothing to do with human beings?
Finally, if all things have a cause and all things come to an end, what will God do for the rest of eternity once the Universe has come to an end? God spent eternity before the Universe and will spend eternity after the Universe. So why would his spent a short period on non-eternity with a Universe? Why did God bother with a Universe at all?
Of course the obvious answer is that he didn’t. God is fiction and has absolutely nothing to do with the Universe. God was just a literary tool used by bronze-aged people to explain what they could not explain and were too afraid to admit their ignorance about.

Filed under: First Cause Argument, god, Religion