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Atheist Evangelist is Coming to DVD…

Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist is Coming to DVD… with your help. If you are not familiar with Brother Sam, he is a character played by Roger Scott Jackson. Rosco travels around the country performing a one man comedy show. His main show is called Patriarchs and Penises.

I have seen the show twice and it is extremely funny. Brother Sam has a lot of interesting things to say about Christianity and the Bible. While I am sure that he will be coming to a city near you are some point so that you can see his show live (and you should), he is trying to put together the show for a DVD. This is where he needs your help.

He needs to raise a little over $3000 in 17 days to get the DVD produced. In order to do that, he has created a page on Kickstarter.com. If you pledge money to the effort, you will be compensated with prizes. For example a pledge of $25 will be rewarded with the DVD (when it is produced – about 2 weeks after the funds are reached). There are other prizes as well. They are all laid out on his kickstarter page.

I consider Rosco to be a personal friend and he needs to raise the full amount in order to get the DVD produced. I know that everyone is in need of money lately (I’m no exception) but I really do think that Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist is a unique comedy act and that it is well worth your support.

I often talk about how atheists need to help fund each other. We need to support each other as best as we can. There are a lot of atheists in the country and around the world and if just half of us started funding atheist projects, websites, political candidates, etc. we could really turn the tide of religious belief.

A $5 donation gets you two anti-proselytizing stickers. No amount is too small, please support Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist. Go to his kickerstarter page right now!

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