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The Fight for Gay Marriage

Yesterday, I attended my third gay marriage. While it wasn’t legal, no police came in to break up the festivities either. But since the couple have a baby daughter, it would be nice if they had the legal protection that straight couples have for our children.

Currently, gay marriage isn’t legal in the state of Pennsylvania (where this wedding took place). In the state of New York, gay marriage is on the cusp of becoming legal, but one of three New York State Republican Senators have to move from undecided to supporting marriage equality.

Personally, I am tired of this state by state battle. I think the President should have put some serious pressure on the House and Senate and pushed an Amendment to the Constitution. Now that Democrats no longer control the House, it seems unlikely that would happen now. It was a wasted opportunity on the President’s part (one of many).

Still, I think it would be a valuable step in the right direction for the House to push such an amendment even now. While it would probably lose, it would put people on the record and in a nation in which a majority of the public now support marriage equality, it would be interesting to see who stands against the force of the public and of history.

That’s right I said the force of history. We have come to the point in which gay marriage has become inevitable. The issue has now become when, not if. So we are at that point where politicians have to choose if they want to be on the winning side of history or if they are going to stand in the way of progress and be labeled as standing in the way of freedom by history. This perspective alone could change the votes needed to create a Constitutional amendment. But something like that needs leadership and our President is just not that kind of leader.

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