Immune from Evidence
Most Christians will attempt to argue their position using some semblance of reason, logic, and evidence. There are however a small but special few who will not even bother. These few, proud, believers will admit that all the evidence, logic, and reason in the world will not convince them of anything… god related of course.
The “special few,” as I call them, have decided that the Bible is the only source of real knowledge and so it is always right even if the evidence says otherwise. They aren’t saying that the evidence is on their side, they are saying that the Bible supersedes the evidence. Everything is a lie except the Bible.
Of course these “special few” will still attempt to argue their position because that is what people do. But they are immune to argument on a fundamental level. In fact, they rarely even listen to your argument(s). Instead they use it as an excuse to get their foot in the door, so to speak.
So what can we do about these special few? Arguing with them is a waste of time and asking them to read anything falls on deaf ears (even when asking them to read the Bible). Mockery seems to be the only thing left and even it seems inadequate. Personally, I am leaning toward the strategy of ignoring these very special few. Thoughts?
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Filed under: Alternative Worldview, anti-intellectualism, conversation, Religion, Religious Manipulation