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Speaking Engagement

I have been a vocal atheist for almost twenty years now and have been an active member of the greater atheistic community for about half that time. Over the years, I have discussed and argued with people from many different religions and many different sects of the varying religions. A few years back, I even had the opportunity to appear on television as a representative of the atheist community for a half-hour debate show seen all over Pennsylvania. But I have not had the opportunity to speak in front of a group of people before… until now.

The Lehigh Valley Humanists have asked me to speak at their October meeting. I am pretty excited about it and have a few different topics I am thinking about discussing. As the new coordinator of PhillyCoR, it seems like I should probably speak about organizing atheists and atheist groups. This type of talk would deal with the “good cop/bad cop” problem within atheism. Such a talk would also include the rise of internet atheism and the rise of atheism in America.

On the other hand, my expertise has always been in the argument front. A discussion about de-conversion might be the way to go. This discussion would feature the corruptive force of the Christian system of belief and how it preys on people at their weakest moments.

I might even do a combination of the two. It could be a two act discussion. In any case, it is pretty exciting and I am really looking forward to it. I hope to be able to do more of these types of speaking engagements in the future. Some of the discussion afterward might even help me with the book I am slowly working on writing. Let me know if you have any thoughts about what should be included in my talk.

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