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Exorcized The Demons

I love it when movies about exorcism and demons come out because those films really show just how fictional these things really are. We live in the 21st century and yet the Catholic Church is still running around chasing demons and satanic monsters.

Today I posted a story on my Examiner page about how some Bishop in Australia believes that Harry Potter and Twilight can lead people to the occult. This Bishop also brags about being an exorcist. You know, like the one from the movie The Exorcist.

Personally, I think the real reason that this Catholic Bishop doesn’t like those movies is because it is competition to his brand of fiction. Let’s face facts exorcisms are not as entertaining as they used to be. Sure, occasionally Hollywood will come up with an entertaining film dealing with the subject, but these days less people take exorcisms seriously and that means that they are less scary and less entertaining.

The thing is that the whole demon possession thing is boring and it doesn’t even have a coherent back story. Why don’t demons possess everyone? Why is it that only Catholics or people who were brought up Catholic are targeted by the demons? How come the demons only respond to Latin when being exorcised when they speak English when they possess people?

Sure exorcisms were entertaining back in the day, but this is the 21st century and we have more imagination now… although Hollywood is remaking just about every 70s and 80s television show into movies lately. Still that is more entertaining that demons.

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