Why Do Christians Bother to Proselytize?
It seems to me that Christians who proselytize are actually making a case against their position. Their claim is that their deity of choice is all-powerful and wants everyone to worship him but can’t seem to convince people on his own. God seems to need the Christian to proselytize.
Why would such an all-powerful deity need people to tell other people about him? Can’t God let people know he exists by himself? Instead of just writing a poorly written bronze-aged book and expecting everyone to believe all the magic and make-believe sounding stuff, couldn’t this all-powerful God just implant the knowledge in our brains?
The very fact that God didn’t implant the knowledge of his existence into everyone’s brain and therefore needs Christians to run around the planet telling everyone about barbaric blood sacrifice of God’s son Jesus is evidence against his existence or at least against his all-powerful abilities.
The fact is that an all-powerful god wouldn’t need Christians to spread his message. He would be all-powerful enough to get his message across to everyone himself. Sadly, this all-powerful god can’t even get his message accurately to all Christians let alone all the people of the Earth. So many Christians have so many differing interpretations of God’s infallible divine will that one has to wonder why God doesn’t set the record straight about all this stuff.
God wouldn’t need to use any booming voice from the sky and he certainly wouldn’t need a burning bush. He’s God, right? Can’t he just “make it known” to everyone on Earth at once what his divine will actually is. Instead, he seems to tell different people different things. He told George W. Bush that war was good and told the Pope that war was bad. He told James Dobson that gays were evil shouldn’t be allowed to marry and told Jim Wallis that gays were evil but should marry. He even apparently told Rick Warren that gays should be killed and then told him that he was just joking around.
The point is that if Christians really had faith in their deity they would shut up and let God do his own dirty work. If God wants someone converted to the correct version of Christianity so that they could spend eternity with God, God will make that happen. Just a thought.
Filed under: conversation, discussion, Disproving God, god, Preaching, Religion