You Just Don’t Understand the Bible
If I had a dime for every time a Christian told me that, “You Just Don’t Understand the Bible,” I would be a rich man. Maybe they are right and I really don’t understand the Bible. That is certainly a strong possibility.
I have read the Bible cover-to-cover and I have spent some time reading various people’s opinions about what it all means (from various believers and non-believers). I a have discussed the Bible with various believers in depth. I’ve gone to Bible Studies and Hebrew Schools. Even so, it still maybe true that I really don’t understand the Bible.
However, if the Bible was writing by the Hoy Spirit of God through inspired chosen people, than one would think that the perfect creator of the universe would make his divine text easier to understand. This is especially true if you consider hat if someone doesn’t understand it correctly, they could be tortured for all eternity in Hell (I think I understood that part correctly).
Besides, many Christians tell me that the Bible says contradictory things. One Christian tells me that God loves all people while others tell me that “God hates fags.” The Bible says that God considers homosexuality to be an abomination and even suggests that gay people should be murdered and yet murder is against the Ten Commandments. So I am a little confused. Most Christians tell me that Jesus is all about peace, but the Bible says the exact opposite. Matthew 10:34 states point blank that Jesus didn’t come to bring peace, but rather came to bring violence.
Maybe I don’t really understand the Bible, but after reading it I am not all that sure that most Christians understand the Bible either.
Filed under: Biblical Scholarship, ignorance, Real Christians, Religion, the bible