If God Were Evil, Would Christians Still Worship Him?
One of the things that Christian fundamentalists always tell me is that I should worship their God because he is all powerful. I talked about this in previous blogs about the praise-worthiness of the Christian God, but I think it is an important issue in and of itself.
If God were evil, would Christians still worship him? He would still be God for all purposes that matter. He still created the universe, humans, smallpox, and AIDS. We would still have our “God-shaped hole in our hearts.” But in your heart of hearts, you knew that God was not a nice guy.
The fact of the matter is that the character of God as described in the Bible is evil. The only hypothetical in this question really only has to do with God’s existence. But once you allow for that, then all you really have to do is read about God in the Bible and use your own moral compass.
So if God were evil, would Christians still worship him? The sad answer is yes. I can say that because there are Christians in the world who worship God and he is clearly depicted in his own book as an immoral deity. Now here is the tough question. How does that make the average Christian any different that the average Nazi soldier in that respect?