God Wants Me to be an Atheist
Theists always ask me why I don’t believe in God. I usually rattle off any number of reasons why I think that the whole idea of God is ridiculous, silly, and illogical. Somehow, that doesn’t seem to convince them since they tend to ask me the same question again at a later time. I guess the best answer that I can really give is to let them know that God wants me to be an atheist.
We first have to define God and there are probably three common ways to do this. The first is to just accept the mainstream definition which is that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, omni-present, creator of the universe. That is just the bare basic definition. Another definition would be Anselm’s definition which states that God is the being to which no greater being can be conceived. This too is a pretty basic definition. The third definition would be that being described in the Bible. This one is a bit more particular. This definition defines God as a Jealous, angry, wrathful, tyrant. But who am I to judge?
The point is that regardless of which definition you choose to use, it is clear that whatever God wants he gets. If God wants me to believe in him, then God would know the exact piece of evidence needed to convince me of his existence and God would have the power to present that evidence. Yet I still don’t believe. The logical conclusion would be that either God doesn’t really want me to believe in him or that God doesn’t actually exist.
Theists always talk about God’s divine plan and yet I am still a non-believer. So I must conclude that either my non-belief is part of God’s divine plan or that God doesn’t actually exist. Either way there is no reason why a believer should try to convert me into a believer. To do so would be to go against God’s divine plan. If God wanted me to believe, he would present the precise evidence that he knows would convince me.
That’s the real problem with being all-powerful and all-knowing there really is no need for human beings to do your work since you can do it more efficiently. So if God really needs to do his own dirty work and if he wants me to believe in him, then I would obviously believe in him. For the record I don’t, so it must be God’s will.
Filed under: conversation, discussion, god, missionaries, Religion