The Bubble of Religious Belief
A recent conversation I had reminded me of one of my favorite YouTube videos by God Is Imaginary. But before I post that video, I want to talk about these bubbles a little bit. I find that most Christians think that they have the only correct answer to the religion question. Not only do most Christians believe that Christianity alone is the only valid path to Heaven, they also tend to believe that their view of Christianity is the only true interpretation of Christianity.
Any Christian who believes differently is for some reason not a “true” or “real” Christian. The analogy I often hear from Christians is that just because something is in a garage, that doesn’t make it a car. This is a pretty weak analogy, but they use it all the time to justify why they are the real Christians and other people who call themselves Christians are not. But the really funny thing is that those other Christians are saying the same thing about them.
Every Christian has a rationalization for why their view of Christianity is the correct view and that those other Christians have the incorrect view and are misusing the label of Christian. Every Christian has Bible verses that they can depend on to re-enforce their rationalization. Every Christian is living in a bubble of self-delusion when it comes to their particular view of Christianity. And every Christian is living in a bubble of self-delusion when it comes to their religious views in relation to other religion’s religious views. In fact, every religious person is living in the same bubble of self-delusion.
Filed under: delusion, Real Christians, Religion