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A Sin is a Sin is a Sin

One particular aspect of Religious Right Christianity which sometimes trickles into the mainstream of Christianity is the idea that all sins (or wrongs) are equal. I remember when I was younger, a Christian explained it to me with the following analogy:

God is pure and can’t tolerate anything other than purity. Sin is like an ink spot on purity. Even the littlest sin in intolerable to God. And once the black ink of sin is on the pure whiteness of the soul, nothing can get it out… except of course Jesus.

With this analogy, Jesus is the ultimate laundry man and sin is God’s Kryptonite. I always found that part a little strange. If God is supposed to be so all powerful, why can’t he tolerate sin? But that is another issue for another blog. The issue of today’s blog is that within the Christian mythology, the littlest sin stains the soul just as much as a large sin. Both are equally as intolerable to God and both will land you in ETERNAL HELL; in for a pinch, in for a pound. Whether one lusts in his or her heart or murders someone, it makes no difference to the Biblical God. Homosexuality is just as much of an abomination to God as stealing or working on Saturday.

Now of course for those who embrace this mythology, there is the up side that Jesus is the ultimate stain remover/laundry man. That means that Christians don’t have to worry about committing those little sins and since those little sins are equal to those big sins, Biblical Christians don’t have to worry about those either. Catholics learned that a long time ago and that is why the idea of weekly and even daily confession started.

All sins are the same in Christianity. All sins are equally offensive to God. So next a woman asks you if she looks fat in something or a man asks you if you think he is sexy, before you tell that little white lie, think about it. Lying is a sin and just as bad as murdering someone. So if you have already sinned, why not just murder someone anyway? If you are a Christian who has accepted Jesus into your “heart of hearts” (whatever that means), you are forgiven in advance anyway.

Don’t give me that crap about Christians not supposed to sin either, because we all know that everyone sins. We are all evil sinners according to the Biblical God, right? And just in case you do some how manage to follow all the rules, God gets you with the Original Sin. God’s got that shit covered. So if a sin is a sin is a sin, than why not murder and steal like crazy.

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