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Pride and Ignorance

When talking to fundamentalist believers, the two traits I run into the most are pride and ignorance. Interestingly enough, I find that these believers take pride in not being prideful and that they are generally ignorant of their ignorance.

Still, I think that if we can get these believers to stop being prideful and ignorant, it would go along way in starting them on their journey toward reason. Getting them to admit that they might be wrong and that they don’t have all the answers is a big step.

As an agnostic atheist, I am well aware that I could be wrong and that a god or gods might actually exist. But someone would have to present some kind of valid evidence for me to believe it. While I take pride in my knowledge and my ability to reason, I also take pride in knowing that I don’t know everything and that I am still learning and so is humanity.

Let’s see if fundamentalist religious believers can acknowledge that they could be wrong and that their deity of choice might be either the wrong one or might not exist at all.

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