Religious Feudalism vs. Democracy
I always found it interesting that Christians today seem to prefer the feudalistic dictatorship of Christianity where God is Lord and humans are serfs over the Democratic ideals of the American system. In grad school, I shared a class with a liberal evangelical who at least recognized this as a problem. His solution was to try to redefine Christianity by constructing a concept he called “The Democratic God” in which God’s will changes by the majority of Christian opinions. This of course has no grounding in the Bible, but his thesis was an attempt to solve the obvious problem.
Back when Christianity started, the people lived in the feudal system in which the Lord or King ruled with an iron fist over the land and the people. Today, modern society has rejected that political system in favor of the Democratic Republic. Society has ruled overwhelmingly that feudalism, monarchs, and dictatorships are flawed systems of government in comparison and yet Christianity still treats their God as Lord and Jesus as the King of Kings. God still rules with an iron fist and Christians are still expected to obey Him without question or go to Hell for ALL ETERNITY.
The obviousness of Christian bullshit is so clear that I am surprised that I even need to spell it out. How is it possible that the American system of Government (which is clearly flawed) is better to the system of Government of God? How come God is still a feudal Lord when the rest of the civilized world has grown far beyond that? How is it that God just so happens to rule the universe in the exact same political system as the people he first burned a bush in front of? Oddly enough, a feudal society believed in a feudal deity. But our society is no longer feudal. It seems kind of strange to me and so in true democratic style, I vote God out of existence.