Christianity Is a Religion of Hate
The central message of the Christian religion is that all humans are evil sinners and deserve to be tortured for all eternity. While Christianity does offer the only solution to the problem that it creates in the form of vicarious redemption in Jesus Christ, there is no escaping the first part of this proposition.
I disagree with this initial premise. I don’t think all humans are evil sinners deserving of being tortured for any amount of time let alone all eternity. As such, I am not in need of any kind of redemption let alone a blood sacrifices through vicarious redemption. It also seems to me that this is primarily a message of hate. It is a hatred of one’s fellow human beings.
Many Christians tend to focus more on the solution to the problem then problem itself and I can’t blame them for that. However, the solution is unnecessary if one rejects the premise that everyone deserves to be tortured for all eternity. This is a message which isn’t just repeated over and over again in the Christian Bible, but also amounts to the nuts and bolts of the religion. It is hard to genuinely consider oneself a Christian without accepting this ridiculously hateful message.
Let me put it a different way. What if someone came up to you and told you that you are a horrible person and that you should be tortured mercilessly because you are so horrible, but if you dedicate your like to worshipping [insert you favorite fictional character], you can be forgiven for being such a horrible person. Some Christians may dress up this hateful message but at the end of the day this is what the belief system amounts to.
Christianity is a religion of self-hate and a hatred of humanity. So why is it that when atheists point this out, we are labeled the hateful ones? I don’t hate Christians. I don’t hate anyone. I don’t think humans are perfect, but we certainly aren’t evil and no one deserves to be tortured for any reason.
I will admit that I tend to view humanity in a more positive view than most other atheists, but I still think one would be hard pressed to find any atheist who would advocate torturing everyone on Earth for any amount of time. That would be mean and hateful.
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