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Churches are Noise Pollution

If I through a loud party, there would be a pretty good chance that he police would come over and either talk to me about it or ticket me about it. There are of course local town ordinances dealing with sound. Yet everyday at noon, I am forced to hear church bells ringing from every other street corner.

Not only are these bells loud, annoying, and from multiple churches in a 5 block radius, but they also serve as a constant reminder that religion is everywhere. It is reminder that these bells are on tax-exempt land. They don’t pay their fair share, so I have to pay their share for them so that they can use that money to spread hate, ignorance, ridiculous stories, and annoy me with their constant bell ringing.

More then that, these bells are a reminder that churches are above the law. If I decided to go out and buy some super loud and obnoxious sound device, I would be in violation of noise ordinances, but churches can get away with it.

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