Ray Comfort Comes Early
Today is the day that Christian evangelist Ray Comfort and his same-sex heterosexual partner Kirk Cameron were supposed to give out copies of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species. The Comfort Edition of the book contains a 54 page introduction written by Comfort which basically Glenn Becks Darwin.
The funny thing is that part of Ray Comfort’s evangelical act is to go around asking people if they ever lied and then telling them that they are going to Hell because they have broken “God’s Law.” Comfort also claims that without God people can lie without consequence. And yet, Comfort and his friends went around and told people that they would be giving out the Comfort-Edition today and instead, they gave it out yesterday. Comfort not only wrote his 54 page introduction which is filled with lies and distortion, but he also lied about when he was handing them out.
But don’t worry about Comfort’s immortal soul; even though he broke God’s law, he has Jesus. Ray Comfort can lie, steal, murder, work on Saturday’s, and even covet his neighbor’s goat without having to worry about consequences at all. Jesus forgives Ray Comfort for all his sins. There is no reason for Comfort to be honest because he has the golden ticket to Heaven.
It seems that with God there are no consequences for one’s actions and that with God there is no reason to be moral or ethical. Jesus has your back and you can do whatever you want and still end up in Heaven.
The fact is that without God, we are forced to acknowledge that morality comes from humans beings or the purpose of human society. We are accountable not to gods but to ourselves and our fellow human beings. We are moral because we feel empathy for our fellow human beings and so we strive to be compassionate toward them. We do this not because of some reward of eternal bliss in Heaven or out of eternal fear of Hell, but out of a common decency to the rest of humanity.

Filed under: culture war, morality, ray comfort, Religion