The Last Battlefield
During the Bush years I heard a lot of people telling me that America was getting so bad under religiously wacko Republican rule that they were seriously considering leaving the country. Even today, I hear some of my more progressive friends tell me that with Health Care the way it is and the Religious Right continuing to make this nation less and less educated, that Europe or Canada is looking better all the time.
I have to admit, that the thought of moving to the Netherlands or Canada has entered my mind. So I can’t really blame other people for having the same thought. Fundamentalist Christianity continues to make America the laughing stock of the world. Our Democratic President and Congress seem powerless against the wacky religious Republican minority. When half of America gets their opinions from Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and James Dobson, we have to wonder what is going on in this country.
The fact is that more than half of the American public either doesn’t accept the science of evolution or are not sure. Whether or not homosexuality is an abomination or not has become an issue of intense debate. More Americans believe in an ancient book of myths than the latest scientific discoveries in cosmology. To say that most Americans are intellectually ignorant would be an understatement.
Fundamentalism is on the rise in American and many progressives are just tired of it. But we can’t leave. Do you really think that the fundamentalist Christians like James Dobson and Sarah Palin would just stop after they have completely taken over America and blasphemy and skepticism are outlawed? If Ray Comfort was President and 90 percent of Americans were fundamentalists, do you really think they would just try to convert the other 10 percent of America and then leave the rest of the world alone?
One of the problems with fundamentalist Christianity is that they have this view that they are saving people’s eternal souls. If you knew that someone was going to be tortured for all eternity and that you could save them, it would be an act of cruelty not to. These people see what they are doing as humanitarian. They are on a mission to save people from sin.
When Bush went into Iraq, one of the excuses he used was that Saddam Hussein was gassing his own people. We had to save them from their leader. Now think about it. A fundamentalist Christian America looks at the rest of the heathen world. What do you think they are going to do, just sit by and let the Satan control the rest of the Earth? No, they are going to want to fight the evil Satan and they are going to attempt to convert the entire world for God.
America is the most powerful nation on this Earth. If you thought is was scary that Bush had the Nuclear Codes, what about if James Dobson, Ray Comfort, or Glen Beck had them? America is the last battlefield. If we lose America to the fundamentalist wackos, we lose the world! By leaving America, progressives and freethinkers will be conceding the world to darkness and ignorance.
The culture war is not one of our choosing, but it is a war we must fight. We can’t just leave the battlefield in good conscience and hope that the fundamentalist extremists will come to their senses. We need to stay here in America and combat superstition with reason. We need our more progressive European and Canadian friends to move here and help us. Save America, Save the World.
Filed under: culture war, Most Dangerous Religion, People of Reason, Religion