Naked Celebrity Scandals
Recently the internet and media have been abuzz because yet another young hot Hollywood celebrity had naked photos leaked on the internets. Ashley Greene is best know for playing vampire Alice Cullen in the film Twilight and is set to reprise the role for the rest of the film franchise. While Miss Greene seems to have been able to get most if not all of the photos removed from the internet, removing the media uproar will be a much harder feet.
This scandal seems different than the Paris Hilton type scandals because the author of the Twilight series is a Mormon. Author Stephanie Meyer has not issued a public statement on this matter, but I do wonder if that may have had something to do with the swiftness of the Greene camp’s effort to get these photos removed from the internet. These photos were clearly posed photos and Greene at least seemed to know that they were being taken. Does that mean that Greene wanted them out in the public? Probably not and I doubt very much that this was a staged publicity attempt by the actress as many on in the media have speculated. Due to Meyer’s religious beliefs, something like this could hurt Greene’s career instead of enhancing it like it has Hilton and others.
Vanessa Hudgens from High School Musical fame on the other hand probably did have some hand in the leaking of her naked photos and I have no problem with that. The problem I have here is with Christian comedian Dane Cook who attempted to embarrass the teen star at the Teen Choice Awards with his comment, “Girl, you gots to keep your clothes!” For starters, Dane “gots to speak correct English.” Second, he too has “gots to keep his shirt on.” I remember watching some of his early standup and he rarely wasted time with jokes before taking his shirt off for his female fans.
Dane Cook was never my cup of tea and I couldn’t care less if he had his shirt on or off. I couldn’t even care less if he took his pants off, it doesn’t make his jokes any funnier. But to publicly embarrass someone else for doing something similar is just hypocritical.