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Sojourners Exposed

Recently, Sojourner’s Magazine refused to run an advertising campaign which welcomes gays. Sojourners Magazine is supposed to be the liberal good guy Christians, so a lot of people seem to be shocked by their position on this issue.

Jim Wallis is the founder of Sojourner’s Magazine and their principle spokes person and decision maker. While he talks mostly about poverty issues and his anti-war stance, make no mistake he is as anti-gay as the rest of the fundamentalist believers. He claims to be for civil rights for gay people, but what he means by civil rights is that he doesn’t think they ought to be stoned to death.

In his book, God’s Politics, he talks about how homosexuality is a sin and how he does not support gay marriage. A few years ago, after reading his book I published an open letter to Jim Wallis.

Personally, part of me is glad that he is just as hateful toward the gay community as fundamentalists friends. Maybe people in the gay community will see that even liberal Christians hate them and they will rethink religion entirety. The atheist community is pretty strongly united in support of the gay community and we tend to strongly fight in favor of their rights. On the other hand, it would be nice if the gay community could at least have some allies within the Christian community. Ultimately, they deserve to be loved no matter what.

There is no legitimate reason to oppose gay marriage. When push comes to shove, the reason people oppose it at all almost always falls back to religion. I don’t care what the Bible says on the matter there should be a separation of church and state. So don’t let Jim Wallis fool you into thinking he is any different than his fundamentalist friends. He isn’t!

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