Christians Hate Plan B
It is a small victory for science and reason, but at least it is a step in the right direction. A Federal Judge has overturned the Religious Right driven restriction on Emergency Contraceptives. Under the Bush Administration, the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) restricted the purchase of the “Morning After Pill” to women eighteen years or older. That has now changed slightly to seventeen years or older, but it has also paved the way for “Plan B” as it is called to be an over-the-counter item.
Christian groups are of course furious because their view is that sex equals baby and any steps a woman takes to prevent that are akin to murder. Please note that I said any steps that a “woman” takes. I say this because the majority of religious groups don’t seem to have a problem with condoms (although a good number do). Condoms are on sale at pharmacies, supermarkets, and even convenience stores (how convenient) without the need for a photo ID check.
Another problem that many Christian groups have with this pill is that they claim that it will make teens more promiscuous. I am still waiting to hear what the problem is. I guess this goes along with Original Sin and how sex is evil and bad. I really don’t see a problem with promiscuous, safe, and consensual sex. But that is a blog for another day.