Donations To The Catholic Church Protects Pedophiles
One of the main reasons why the Catholic Church attempted to cover up the abuses that their priests where engaged in was because it would ultimately impact on the Church’s bottom line. The Catholic Church is after all a business.
I read an article the other day which talked about how a lot of accused priests were moved to remote regions of Canada and Alaska. The reasons for this was that there were less people there and the Church could still get parishioners from more densely populated areas to donate to Churches in more remote areas. In other words, the Church can still make money off of those less populated parishes.
I think it needs to be pointed out that money donated to local parishes don’t necessarily stay in the local community. The Vatican gets their cut from all the local parishes. In other words, when someone donates to their local Catholic Church, they are also giving money to the Vatican to shield pedophiles from prosecution. Money donated by good people wanting to help their community in good faith is actually supporting the systematic obstruction of justice and the perpetuation of more child rape and sexual assault.
Most Catholics in America and all over the world are completely disgusted with the activities of these priests and with the Vatican’s systematic cover-up and obstruction of justice. We need to let our Catholic friends know that by continuing to donate to the Church they are fiscally supporting this system of abuse and they are funding child rapists and child sexual molestation.
The Catholic Church is a business and it is time to boycott that business.