Free Them for Freedom
The Religious Right and the FCC hate one thing above all else. Above terrorists, violence, or anything else, they hate... Breasts. So Dangerous Talk is asking you to be Dangerous. Show your support for Freedom by Freeing your Breasts for Freedom. This project is only open to women (sorry guys). Here is what you have to do: Free your breasts from your bra's and other clothing and take a picture of them while holding the Dangerous Talk logo and e-mail it to us at
We will post all pictures on a special adult gallery section. Creativity is important as is being in the spirit of the goals of the project.
Be Dangerous, Talkers!
Before entering the special gallery, we actually have to have some legal stuff:
WARNING: This part of the site contains adult images.
The part of the website you are attempting to access is not intended to be viewed by minors. Only responsible adults who are at least 18 years of age (or the age of consent in the jurisdiction from which access is requested, whichever is older) and who have the legal right to possess adult materials within the communities in which they live may enter this part of the website. If you are not at least 18 years of age (or are otherwise not permitted to access adult content), you MAY NOT enter this part of the website or your EYES MAY POP OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS!!!
Enter at your own Risk, these pictures are DANGEROUS... to someone somewhere.
Legal disclaimer: Photos may be used for publicity purposes, all rights are shared with Staks Studios.